Still no bloodlust?

Once again warriors were ignored even on the occasion of the WoW anniversary — just a couple of lines of changes that do not change anything.

Every WoW player knows that dps warriors are one of the worst classes for keys, and now, after the nerf of rally, for raids. But for some reason, the developers do not see this.
But again some “smart” guys will say that the main utility of a warrior is self-healing and there are no problems with the class. And then we get what we get.

How tired I am of this. I guess we will never get any utility viable for any pve content. It is time to change the main class

Fury Warriors are currently one of the STRONGER classes for keys though?
They have some of the strongest burst AoE damage of all melees, especially now with Bladestorm.

Look at Hunter or DK, they bring absolutely nothing in terms of group buffs…

The problem is in the utility of the warrior,
The damage numbers can change at any moment.
Based on the beta, it will still be impossible to get into high keys on the warrior without your own party.

Hunters have BL, DKs have battle res

High key will meta slave to augvoker and likely rsham

The issue is not solved by adding bloodlust to a class that wont be taken for it. The ‘issue’ is with buff and debuff design and overall class design, but even this isnt actually an issue unless you’re speaking of top 0.1% keys or mdi, which is an alien landscape that the devs should spend zero time on.

But sure, give us lust and we can use it in open world next to the BM hunters and enh shamans.

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Ah, but that is where you are wrong. For you see - what is asked for is not ‘heroism’, is the utility that will magically make all the issues go away.

So when they ask for Bloodlust/Heroism, this is in fact what is asked for:

  • Heroism/Bloodlust, and AoE combatress (instant cast), and AoE fear removal off GCD and on a 15 sec CD, and Cleanse a friendly target every time we Rampage, and Purge an enemy target every hit of Rampage, and…

Once we got all those factors and the fabled utility, we will be brought 100% of the time… wait, I hear a voice? One seccond.

Yes? Mhm- what? Can’t be. No? Oh. Oh… Wait. Oh-no… OK, ok, I will tell them…

Ok, so the voices has told me something. If Warrior did indeed get all these things, you would still be sitting in que, only now you would be one of a thousand warriors, and not just one in a thousand mixed in with different classes.

You wouldn’t get into more keys; as you already can get into keys if you put in the work and focus on: inserty holy choir music and echo effects NETWORKING holy AAAAAAAAAAA fading out over 5 sec

Hunters can BL and have tons of utilities.

Warriors also have:
AoE cower
AoE fear removal
AoE Conal stun on a 25sec cd

There are also a ton of other classes that have BL right now…

The problem is more that we have to talent into them and therefore it’s not a given for most mythic + groups that we will have anything worth the addon.

One good thing, the dps is off the charts right now so we shouldn’t be struggling too much (if no nerf hammer is dropped).

With the affixes rework, I guess we will need to see but there might be a bit less demands for utility classes, unfortunately at the end we will be dependent on the “top class for M+ chart” made by xxx youtube channel that most people will follow blindly even for a +4…