Still no SV S4 update?

Still no tuning to SV tier set.
Blizzard wants us all to switch to the dumbed-down mess that is the other 2 specs. Sad to see how far we have fallen.
Can’t wait until they take away our 8 yd melee range, which I’m very concerned is actually gonna happen.

This may sound pessimistic, but the closest we will ever get to this is you using Mr. Smite’s Brass Compass and getting his cleavers for 10 min (1:3 chance or something).

So we finally got some tuning… I guess.

These changes basically do nothing. It’s around ~2.5% ST increase and a HUGE 0.5% AoE increase.

This means that for M+ SV will still use S3 set, which as of this reset is no longer obtainable, so if you were thinking of swapping to SV to run keys, just don’t.

Wow there rly got all they way down the dumpster for SV and then making not eaven a bandage fix for the Tset cool

Slowley i get the fun of playing BM

We got something! But imo we should ask for one more change that makes us a little bit more viable in aoe (m+). If the 4-set proc did not comsume a Butchery charge we would be able to use it a bit more = more bomb resets and more aoe dmg.

Edit: I allready posted my opinion on the class tuning post. Hope to see more comments/opinions there.

Yeah that would help
atm. If you dont have a WA you are not eaven recognitze that you have a Tset

At last we wont miss it if its gone

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I am happy that I found some other class to main during s4 and TWW, good luck fellas, hope at once to pick up my spear back

@Blizz pls I just wana have fun

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