Still out here with design worse than Wrath

If you play all aspects of the game, and not just PvE, but everything, you must have wondered:

Why do we STILL only have ONE disengage charge, when at this point in the games life, three charges wouldn’t even be OP.

Why do we still have a cast time for dismiss pet? Our pets do NOT do what they used to, and we are stuck for three abilities that are hardly gamebreaking, I mean all classes that have Lust, have access to a pseudo freedom and some form of health buff BY DEFAULT!

Why is Roar and freedom still tied to our pets… WHY?

Why is intimidation still not useable when US OR PET are are in any form of CC. How come locks, DKs, mages, Shamans etc etc etc can freely use their pets/summons CC even when they are CC’d. How come we have a DOUBLE trade-off…

Why do all the specs feel like they are ancient in design. When I hop on MM it feels no different to TBC, except rapid fire. AIMED - ARCANE - AIMED - ARCANE - rApId. Static damage bot with no movement. Remove some of the damage and spice it up mobility wise. Gimme back aspect of the fox, make aimed instant again or something, gimme back old school Chimera.

GIVE ME BACK WoD SV at least. WTF WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY remove a WHOLE spec to replace it with melee in an expansion where you introduce ANOTHER MELEE in a game where you only have TWO RANGED PHYSICAL SPECS OUT OF THIRTY NINE.
What on earth was you thinking? And no, i DO NOT CARE if anyone is enjoying mElLe SV, I don’t give a toss mate, I was enjoying ranged SV, so can I have it back now???

BM should be able to mix up its rotation more instead of send pet send pet send pet, allow them to get in close with pets and give them some short ranged bow strike abilities even, allow them some agency over what is happening with their damage outside of a single DoT and pets doing all their damage.

Hunter is in DIRE DIRE DIRE need of a gutting and total redesign. Baffling how long the game has been out and how many classes have seen major redsesigns, even as recent as the release of these new talent trees, yet hunter is almost identical to how it played 15 years ago.