Stone Bulwark Totem - good news and bad news

So i just checked something on Beta and spotted a huge change:

In pre-patch (and prev. beta builds) the SBT totem had a 2 min CD and gave ~25% HP (1.6M + 5 * 160k) absorb in total. Since it was under 3 min CD, we was able the reset it with Totemic Recall.

In the current beta the totem CD increased to 3 min, so we no longer able to reset it, BUT the absorb is doubled to 50% health absorb (3.2 mill + 5 * 320k)

In a long, 30 min fight it’s means:

  • Pre-patch: you can use it 30 (15 * 2) times (750% of your HP)
  • Beta: you can use it 10 times (500% of your HP)

But you can save at least 2 talent points.

What do you think, which version is better?

I can understand the reason why they nerfed it to 3min after this buff.

If they left it as is, it would be totally broken and lock our talent build to take both the totem and the reset.

Now on beta it is just a straight up bonker defensive cd. Mainly speaking from a raiding standpoint, but that shield is massive (at the beta currently the initial shield is close to 40% of my hp, with the total capping at 60%).

Math wise it sucks because it doesnt scale properly.
These the hp % absorbs at different I lvls someone else did the math already.
571-33% 606-32% 617-31% 626-30% 632-29% 639-28%
For context a mages Ice Barrier is 28% on a 20 sec CD.
So effectively its a mages barrier on a 9x longer CD… Its also a magic effect on you so it can be dispelled so a 3min cd equivalent to a mages 20 sec cd ice barrier AND it can be dispelled which is a huge deal in pvp.

These numbers are way off currently.
At 586ilvl in the beta, the initial shield is 40% of my hp, while the total shield is 60%.

It seems it scales with agi and vers at least so prob it will be a lower % at higher ilvl, although not by much.

the ticks after initial dont rly matter, in pvp a bit but for higher keys where its supposed to be a defensive used to stop something that would otherwise one shot you only the initial absorb rly matters. Even if its still 40% ish at high i lvl which I doubt thats still pretty garbage for a 3 min cd. For a 3 min CD id expect it to apply to the whole party. Something like that would also help us a lot in securing raid/m+ spots.

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If they keep the 3 min CD it must do more. At least make me care if the totem is distroyed or not.
A 3 min CD capstone talent needs to do more.
Either make it target all the party, or the subsequent ticks be at least 300k, to actually care if it’s destroyed.

Maybe they just don’t want it to be spammed :slight_smile: It used to be 1 minute right? Nobody used it in DF (afaik), now they do, and poof… 3 mins ?

They (re-)introduced this totem in TWW (its existed in MoP if i remember well). It was 2 min in the early beta, but we was able to reset it so you had two “charges”. With 3 minutes you cant reset since that talent usable for totems under 3 min CD.

Edit: they added it first time in MoP (with 1 min CD), then removed in BfA, and now added again in TWW

Owwww then I remember it wrong, or confuse it with a different totem from DF :slight_smile:

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