The quest They Took Our Gnomes which is required for progression appears to be bugged - I can see the kodo moving, but no cart besides it. I filed a ticket, but who knows when it will be fixed. And I hear it’s the same since beta…
Honestly thought stonetalon was horde onky
Play on Firemaw and you will find out is is not.
did this quest a few days ago. worked perfectly fine.
It’s the same for me. The supposed driver that I need to kill simply stands in the middle of the road and evades all the attacks. Please, fix that asap.
Same for me, can’t finish this quest
WowHead comments say that you have to wait until server reset, but I dunno when is it.
This brings me back to vanila WoW.
When i was waiting for Marshal (ony quest) at the gates of Stormwind. And Each week for like a month or so the quest bugged again and again, he didnt show.
And all blizzard could say is that “We need to wait until next Wednesday” like the comments at wow head suggest - Still the same company after all those years xD
I do recall this particular quest mob being bugged in original Cata as well.
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