Stop Allowing 30 Man Tank Raids

Its an rpg where choices are being made and people can play as they wish? gasp what a disgrace… If thats how ppl want to play then let them. RPG is about choice in the end. And not everyone plays like this. Nothing wrong a few people play the game a bit differently. Examples are all druid raids, some tank some heal some dps. Its just how they decide to play the game. If everyone want to go full tank, full dps, full healer, full of one class etc isnt any of your or mine business. Long live the RPG genre.

It is not like full-tank is the only effective way to down, say, mythic. It looks fun, so I say let people have their fun.

They don’t run LFR like you. They are amongst the best raiding guilds in the EU. Now hush pl0x!

Good luck going full tank raids on any kind of progression. Its something some one did for abit of fun, same with the 29 mages + dh tank, same with rextroy rank 27 Infinite starts one shots. ITS FUN. Do i also need to mention its basically end of expansion, why cant stupid things like this become almost a ‘non meta but doable’ thing?

Ppl did unorthodox stuff in earlier expacs as well. I remember Heart of Fear being cleared by 25 warlocks. Warlocks had a glyph that allowed them to sort of tank (glyph of demon hunting).

This isn’t progression, this is just players messing around with the game and finding some fun.

What i would look at is these pvp exploits like rank 27 infinite stars or twilight devastation. Players being able to climb 2500+ rating and achieve glad title using such strat isn’t very fair.

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ah yeah on iggy you cant stop the mc people,is that it?

Maybe there would be more tanks, if the community will be more friendly. Last time I tried PUG tanking, in the first 5 minute a DH died. Zero interrupts beside me. Next pull, no interrupts he die again write me how bad I am and leave. Next pull teammate got feared into a group of enemies, I managed to hold aggro, but the healer got oom and we wiped.
After that, for like 5 min they just insulted me for how bad I was as a tank. I was the worst tank, idiot, retarded… they even whispered after we disbanded. I will never tank for pugs again.

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