Stop denying the hybrid tax!

Blizzard get a grip pls if you gonna let shamans druids and palas 1 shot us atleast remove their heal or nerf it so when you chose any other spec then healer you deal 80% less healing!
I’m tired of idiots who take 15k dmg heal through it and kill u with a 3.3k starfire or flameshock lava burst or fing bubble and kill you while im immune ohh and dont forget ima bout to get divine steed :slight_smile:

Blizzard you :clown_face: of a company fix your game!
Go play EverQuest again if you deny to play your own game or go hire some game testers so that you apes arent confused what switches to flip!
Because we all know this Aggrend guy has no clue what Classic+ was supposed to be!

They dont deny the hybrid tax paladin is midiocre atm the ones not paying the hybrid tax are shamans doing insane dps, having huge instant heals and providing the BEST support at the same time.
Paladins got their heals nerfed by a decent anmount on PTR and u guys got Kings Blessing baseline so stop whining about it

But Blizzard should help melee hunters thats for sure

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ohh pls man in pvp paladins are even more broken then shamans if they got their 5 minute i win button :smiley: it would be okay if you could full heal in bubble but not wipe 4 ppl when ur immune that’s not balanced!

A 5 min cooldown like u said.
Add It to the list of Broken long cooldowns in this game.
How are u supposed to kill 4 guys while on Bubble?
If u cant kite paladins ur just a bad Hunter thats it

bruh your about to get divine steed… and im about to get gutted since i’m melee hunter :smiley: the game was rigged from the start don’t take any personal offence but your class is gonna be broken op and mine is gonna be broken as well but in the bad way

RET dps is realy bad right now the only good thing we got is our burst dmg after the burst we are arround the same dps as melee hunters if not a little higher

Blizzard doesnt realy listen to us neither we asked for long arm of the law and gave us a legion spell, we are still waiting for the DS reset procs or exclusive RET buffs but they gave worldbuffs to warriors instead

but did you see that now melee hunter will be nerfed to the ground 6 second normal raptor strike not instant , and 40% of the dmg melee hunter originaly had is moved to mongose bite a 6 second attack that only procs if the enemy dodges but they give us rings to make enemy’s dodge less!!? i basically get to be the ranged hunter of phase 2 under the tanks and healers in dmg in the raid :). so as i said no offense but you got as you said melee hunter dmg and a 5 min i win button while melee hunter is getting nerfed so hard it’s unplayable :smiley: because it breaks 3 of our runes and makes the most imobile class in sod right now try to somehow melee weave in a meta where everyone is immune to your slows and you yourself got no movement speed cd or you have one but it slows you for 90% ms if you get hit :smiley:

Bubble is Broken because its a 5 min cooldown with 1 min of forbearance but as i said paladins are not responsable for the bad spot of melee hunters we both are in a bad spot.
Look at warriors being Broken and getting a worldbuff support, shamans oneshoting and doing bursts of up to 3.5k dps providing the BEST support in the Game, rogues having some insane dmg with great aoe, fire Mages doing up to 3k dps average and many more…

bruh new melee hunter dps is gonna be lower then current dps priest XD immagine it ina way like this you get minor buffs and divine steed while i get a 75% dmg nerf and delete melee hunters in general!
Now the only way to play hunter is marksman , and with the most complicated combo to land in the game beacause if you miss the trap you miss the extra shot, and in pvp XD ohh man hunters are gonna be a free kill now just like warrs but we gonna be lacking in dmg just like spriest but we wont get 2 dots to kill you with and a defensive cd XD

Everquest has notoriusly terrible PVP balance, to the point where no-one played it.

I can’t speak for other hybrid class, but if you think even a heal spec’d shaman is healing for 15k in a single cast, I got news for you, it doesn’t. Also they don’t get spell pushback resistance on heals either so … like normal healing rules apply.

Paladin bubble has always been frustating, but that’s not going to change it’s been that way for 20 years.

boo hoo i play pure class i need advantage because reasons.

Yeah this is a weird take, some talents/skills/runes are super annoying in pvp, but that is what the entire thrill and expertise of pvp is about, knowing your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. TBH, much of the issues you describe can be countered, especially by a hunter.
If it’s a balance issue, then yeah can tune it (and some of it, they should), but you just made most of the numbers up here.