Stop letting players get vault from the same dungeon every week

That would work in the player’s advantage as they would be able to target loot. :slight_smile:
Guess what Blizz won’t do? ahaha

Actually I think most players would agree with this kind of solution, because many players including myself are tired of doing Halls or Mists every week.

Then have fun in sanguine depths or spires of ascension.

You know, since you’re not locked into mists or halls.

No but I also think players shouldn’t be punished for this
Let them change the other dungeons so they feel better to run through, they’ve tried raising rewards for unpopular content before in order to incentivize without ever fixing what made that content unpopular (island expeditions) and that content is now on the (long) list of reasons BFA was not received well

This is the worst suggestion I’ve ever seen on these forums.

Bar none.

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