Stop premading into epic bg

Problem is that it’s so easy to disguise the fact that you’re in a premade due to not even having to be from the same realms, was a lot easier to spot them back in the day, now they just hide behind the cross realm curtain.


Only since muppets like you began to infest the game.


I appeared in the game before you, sorry) It was you who came after me and are trying to tell me how to play this game correctly. You may not like anything. Blizzard has clearly stated its position and you have no right to tell other players how they should play

Yeah more like 3v77 at least in my maps. Your own Team works so extremely against you one might think they do it on pure purpose.
That’s why i was asking Zxnie yesterday if it’s theoretically possible that all these Alliance Players, no one has ever seen, are Bots to keep on Feeding the queue and opening Maps. He said he doesn’t speak english.
I appreciate your Honesty tho.

Yes and let me remind you what it was here below again. The only known stance from Blizzard up to now.

PS: a community manager is way above a GM and the information given has to be confirmed by Blizzard first. Also, all the GM’s that replied to my tickets also confirmed that Blizzard does not want synced premades. I posted this before in other threads…


Just asking but, are you sure Zado only are involved with syncing if hes with the puppet master Zenie or Larkus?

But for some reason you ignore recent requests posted in other posts.
In 20 years of the game there has not been a single ban of players for synchronization, I am sure you will find an explanation for this too


Blizz gave out a statement to ban griefers who leave excessively in RSS which never happend.
Blizz have a rule that wintraders will be banned.
Do you have an explanation why blizz do not follow through with their rules?

So you are saying random bg means random map not randomized players.

And if this guy forms a party of 5 people with 4 healers + himself, it should also be called cheating. This is because you know that you will always outnumber other raid in terms of healing and this is the ultimate advantage in 40 man raid. You can easily spot this, like I did, by focusing him. You will see that all healing will converge on him with big defensives. This almost never happens in random bg.


:heartbeat: Premade :heartbeat:


These questions are not for me, I don’t work for Blizzard. There will be a ban, people will stop synchronizing. As long as there are no violations of the rules, people will play. The lack of punishment from Blizzard speaks for itself

Nowadays when he plays before noon he is usually alone or with few friends, he is very much beatable at this time, but you also need some form of coordination, because a team with a strategy caller beats pure randoms most of the time.

When you see him in the same group as Zenie its a sync premade 100%.
Zado usually doesn’t play in the same group with Larkus, at least that would be new to me. He shares a community with Zenie as far as i know.

As a general rule of thumb concerning Zado you can remember
Zado plus Zenie = sync
Zado alone = most likely just him and possibly one group.

I can not confirm if this is true every time, but I haven’t observed anything to the contrary of this rule recently.

Yes, one group of 5 people with a raid leader guarantees you a win in 99% of BGs


I simply explained to you that even if ppl break their rules, some of it will be ignored.
Why? We do not know. They simply turn the blind eye.

This is why, if people are involved with any form of syncing in any kind (late or early) it will give an impression he might be doing it at any time. Its quite easy to understand why ppl would think so.
“Hes sometimes involved with syncing but hes not syncing now, trust me!” tend to not make it easier. Uncertainty is the killer.


If with requests you mean ticketresponses, like i already wrote in my last post, these are in this case not worth anything. In the response you are most likely referring to (from Priskah), the question was so badly formulated that the GM did not understand the situation. Which is why I also created a ticket. The outcome then was that Blizzard does infact not want synced premades at all. I’d be glad to look them up and link them here again for you. No problem

But again a GM is inferior to a Community manager. Basically a GM has not much to say, can only solve minor issues. So I refer u to the Bluepost link above.

And why Blizzard does not do anything about the syncers? Like we all know: its not important enough for them.


For me it’s easy, when I’m in the same raid with Zenie or Larkuxx I leave before the door opens, this Honorpoints I don’t want.
Zado is fine for me.

If there is a violation, then there should be a punishment, right? You understand that premades have existed since the very beginning of WoW and there has not been a single punishment? Please answer me why?


And I am tired to be confused with the syncers when I have nothing to do with this unfair practice.

People need to learn to differentiate between strategy callers and sync premades. Other people who have nothing to do with syncing get this label too, even Haise who always plays alone. Everyone who stands out for being a strong player who can carry teams in one way or another.

Not only does it annoy me when people claim that I ruin the game with my “premades” (yeah a group of 2-3 players, big deal), but players must know who is just a tough opponent but beatable, and who is rigging the game in their favor, basically cheating and can’t be beaten. People are confused af. They take Zado alone for an entire sync premade and give up. Otherwise they throw rounds they could have won just by looking at names and yelling “premade”.


I also want to get your opinion on a different thing. I play both horde and alliance so no bias here.

But when I play alliance and queue into AV, it’s like 100% time horde stays defensive at IBGY. Alliance rush IB and TP quite disorganized and lose big time. I am not implying this as a premade or anything at all. I am just asking why this thing affects alliance win ratio like crazy in AV. I play since TBC and AV was almost always win for Alliance. Quite confusing to be honest.

The horde has a starting position that is much easier to defend than the alliance and it has become the meta to play full defense for the horde around january. Horde players saw it was effective and it became the established strategy, much like going hangar in IoC.

Why is the alliance resistant to learning and why do they ride into an obvious ambush?
Stupidity, most likely.

How to counter this?
Ask for the raid leader when you are alliance.
Make raid warnings and explain that alliance should not attack and defend snowfall and sh bunker instead. Wait for the horde to make the first move.

Make multiple calls. People are dumb and will forget if you say it just once.
This is the only way. People will ride into an ambush, get demolished, demoralized and they will flame and leave.