Stop premading into epic bg

Once again, read the Bluepost :slight_smile:

Blizzard gives you allowed options for PvP combat in larger groups. It does not require circumventing the system like is needed for your cheating.

Back in 2012 when the playerbase was much much bigger than it is atm, this statement was given by a Blizzard Community manager. There never came another statement. This one is still accurate. Otherwise this would be mentioned.

Right now epicbgs are such a niche that for sure nothing will happen, except that the playerbase will further decrease, at least in the bg playerbase. When I returned to the game in 2020/21 I played multiple, sometimes 10+ of epics per day, and almost only epicsā€¦ nowadays I play about 7 per week, if even. Thanks for that!

And good to know that you have the exact records of the punishments Blizzard gave over the past 20 years :wink:.
Itā€™s clear that diehard syncers will twist and turn anything to justify this bad behaviour, and the game will die out further every single day.


You can go to the certain streams and find out how Itā€™s done. They are 5 people queing and telling all in their community to leave q or enter q. Thatā€™s how they are doing it. Mr. L*****afk does it none stop. Itā€™s not against TOS, but how fun is it really. Everytime i happen to que into a premade team i just instantly get bored. I know Itā€™s gonna be one-sided and boring. So i just stick to normal and not epics.

Iā€™ve been here right from the start, and for the first 10-15 years, there was absolutely no need to group up because the vast majority of players just joined on their own, maybe 1 or 2 friends. Then came people like you, who couldnā€™t handle losing a game or 2 here and there so you run off crying and forming big groups to kill the nasty people who were owning you in BGā€™s. You absolute little wimp of a creature.


Its hilarious that you answered your own question before but asked it again.

How many people have said you are a syncer?
If you are not a syncer, stop caring so much. To me it just looks like you take personal offense way too much even when they dont even talk about you.

You literally stated that you do not know if Zado syncs on his own sometimes or not. You do know he syncs with Zenie. Its like you expect everyone to be fully aware of it at all times and move on.
If people see a syncer or a shotcaller in the enemy team and your team has nothing, or someone might TRY it but he knows barely anything and gives wrong calls. Do you really think it will still be a ā€œgood matchā€ even when it were massively one-sided?

Now, in regards with looking at names as yelling ā€œpremadeā€ā€¦ You are aware that some ppl just call premade even if its only 1 group. Theres a reason why I say ā€œSyncersā€ and not just ā€œpremadesā€.
So ofc ppl will call you premade. Drex premade. Eme premade etc. Its not even that difficult to understand.
Or do you want people to scream ā€œFISTUS SHOTCALLERā€ instead? Or ppl to just be silent?
Majority of people that plays, are just silent. They play and move on even if they like it or not.

And like I said. The biggest reason why ppl most likely relate Zado to syncing (even when he might not do it), is due to uncertainty.

And thatā€™s why you hide behind a low-level character?) And whoā€™s a coward after that?

I started playing bgs 14 years ago and i have not seen a premade once only in the little once. The very first time i have seen a premade in epic bgs was after wod , and that was rezal . I never had anything to complain about pvp but whats going on now is just upnormal . Today was a wonderful day just getting slaughter over and over again. Does anyone know shaxk ? Had him a few times , and someone else . One was a premade i could 2 crowns , the other one the white big fish on his own.

:blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart: :heart::blue_heart:

Ya, thats him :expressionless:

Who is hiding behind a low level character you total clown? This is my main, the main I have always used on these forums on this account. I donā€™t hide behind other characters like so many of your little goons.

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Iā€™m playing with friends now (Iā€™m very sorry that you donā€™t have them) I donā€™t have time to read unfounded whining, sorry

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Precisely because the term premade is poorly defined, they saw someone call me a ā€œpremadeā€, then they heard about that sync addon, then people say I ruin the game with that addon. What do I really do? I write instructions in the chat and join alone or in small groups. People canā€™t tell their **** from their elbow because people use the term premade and mean a million different things with it that are completely different.

Yes, they should try. A lot more people should dare to step up and become strategy callers, because teams with leaders do better and are more effective. Itā€™s a skill that can be learned. The more often you do it, the better you become at it, just like with anything else.
Nothing holds people back from making calls.
Everyone who is brave enough to step up can ask for the crown and write things in the chat.
And yes, these games can still be good. The team acts somewhat more focused, but they donā€™t become any better at fighting all of a sudden.

Yes, be silent and play, because mentioning the enemy team has a premade (whatever that means) has only negative consequences for your own team. Some people might even give up entirely and refuse to fight because they think that they are up against an unbeatable sync premade when in reality it is just 1 strategy caller alone or 2 strong healers in a group.

Also people think they play against ā€œpremadesā€ in every round when in reality they face many opponents who have nothing to do with premades because this term just casually gets thrown around in every other round.

What are the positive effects of mentioning premade in the other team?
There are none.

I only read one person calling you out with the addon part.
Might be very few ppl who had called you a premade (with intention of calling it syncing).
Otherwise I guess they are doing it ingame? But your ā€œmanyā€ can be pretty different compared to how I see it.

Ofc not. But you have way too much expectations on what randoms should do.
In general its not that difficult to shotcall, after a few times you can get into it. Its the same thing in calling things out for m+ and raids. Majority of BGs are exactly the same and the tactics are roughly the same. Only small differences every now and then.
But I also dont feel like it. Am I pathetic and miserable for it? That I would rather play my own way doing what I feel like I want to do?
Heck, most shotcallers uses macros these days to raid warn what ppl should do and only write small sentences themselves.

I do wonder when you are going to call out ā€œsyncingā€ instead of writing ā€œpremadesā€ yourself though.
Theres plenty of premades, ppl tend to have and feel its way more chance to loose against well known premades and are tired everytime it happens so they write it in annoyance. Heck, I even merced into horde and they said the same thing. Were extremely happy when there were no well known premades even since the first letter someone write were ā€œpremade?ā€ lul.

And the positive of calling out a premade is to know who it is and how you can counter it/if anyone is willing to shotcall/help.
Sure, its way more negative, but it can have some positives at the same time.

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Yes, ingame ofc. In quite a rude way too because most players understandably canā€™t stand syncers.

Of course not, but its not that only a select few could do it and you are screwed when you are up against a shot caller and your team has nobody used to doing it. Today I played a round for the alliance and a girl from my FL was in the other team, they said the other team called me a premade but one in their team said they could win If everyone listened to their calls.

And they did win. I rolled poor quality teammates who were weak in the fight and the other team listened well to their leader, a leader who was not known as a big leader, but he stepped up to the task and did it well. I find that impressive. This is what you do if you face a ā€œpremadeā€, you coordinate your own team to the best of your ability.

This wont help against a sync premade, but then again, if you see the names Larkus or Zenie, just leave the round.

You mostly demoralize your team.
Or write something like ā€œwe face strong opponents, please concentrate.ā€
Thatā€™s better.

Just saying it but, this quote kinda feels like the other leader has done it before. Thats the thing. Expecting that to happen often (ppl who has never done it before) are just expecting it way too much. Some ppl might try, but alot of it wont work.
If the person has never done it before, then yea, impressive.

If theres one thing I learn from ppl its to never expect them to concentrate in casual plays. ^^

These threads are always the same, you get the same names coming in being contrarians.

I donā€™t understand how these guys can keep doing these premades all day everyday. Itā€™s the same thing over and over, there is no competitive aspect to it - might aswell be a full time job with no reward.


Oh, I left Larkus logged of, tried another char to get Zeni on alliance side, logged another char to become horde Premade.
I think I read a good book.

Friends :joy: pixels in a computer game as you probably have zero real ones

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You seem to have all the time in the world. Like most of us. You comment on other peopleā€™s opinions and belittle those nonstop. Just a quick check on previous posts proves it.

And you still cant win random bg in computare game. That why you here. So, mayne need find problem in yourself?

I asked who lead the other team and my friend told me it was a priest whose name I recognized, but he never said anything when I played for the horde.
Just someone who saw what was required and took the initiative, and I admire that.

When players in the other team see Zado, many players immediately throw the towel, but if you look at it rationally, he is just one guy who has unreliable teammates that he tries to coordinate with instructions. All it takes to outplay him is to write similar instructions for your own team.

That is very unlucky. Usually you get into a rigged premade match, leave it and the next round is against a random team.