Stop premading into epic bg

Since the dawn of Azeroth Random Epic BGs, anything above a 5-player team is considered a premade!

I mean, youve said 3 different things about Zado now so… :person_shrugging:

  1. He sync with Zenie.
  2. You dont know if he is or if he isnt syncing alone. (I am fully aware hes not always syncing. The question is just if he EVER syncs without Zenie.)
  3. Says hes only one guy, contradicting your statements earlier.

I have already said that if people want to act on shotcalling they can, if they want to try it for the first time I dont mind it. Since I usually do what I feel is right anyway.
(I dont just rush in to die randomly though. I just enjoy paying attention if someone is trying something.)

Ive played since vanilla and I always called 6+ ppl a raid or synced premade. Not only premade.

Some call groups of up to 5 premades too. They either use a different definition or mistake small groups for sync premades.

When Zenie is not around, you can usually assume he is alone or in a group of up to 5. I
have not yet seen an exception to this rule and I’ve faced him a lot in the last few weeks.

In the case of a strategy caller it doesn’t make much of a difference if he brings friends on top of that. It’s the calls that make the team stronger, that he brings one or two friends is almost irrelevant.

39 randoms or 38 randoms makes almost no difference.
A team that follows a plan as opposed to a team where everyone does what they feel like, that’s what makes a difference.

If you see Zado is in the lobby and Zenie is not in the lobby, it is usually safe to assume he isn’t syncing. If you see both in the same lobby, its a sync premade.

Just so you know, I dont need to be told over and over how good shotcallers are when Ive already told you I know.
Bringing 4 other friends while doing it will still make a difference, unless you bring idiots with you? Or just friends who might not be the best at the game? Then id believe you. Having more safe people who carries go long way to prevent the absolute worst situation. Noone can carry.

I dont care about Zado in general. Hes just one of the typical ppl with extreme terrible reputation (on enemy team.) If hes a “great shotcaller when hes not syncing” or not dont rly matter.
The only real thing that can change peoples mentality is blizz actually enforcing their own rules and start cracking down on syncing. Maybe it might even make shotcallers life easier since ppl will have a different understanding. :person_shrugging:

Thank u yashiro

And why dont u be just quiet? Dont u have some farming to do ?


Same question for you

I suggested a real solution and only because I was asked to. A REAL one, not just banning thousands of people from playing, as you suggest.
And you and I and Blizzard understand that there will always be a small part of players who don’t like something. Look around! There are 5 identical people writing on the forum, who always don’t like something. Look at the author of this post… There is no premade! Understand, it doesn’t exist! This is an erroneous conclusion of one player who saw one fighter and thought that it was an army… Do you really think that this is enough to change the rules? Seriously? Look at the US forum, hundreds of people write about premades, but this is not enough!

You will never stop, something will always be wrong with you. Today you ask to ban premades, tomorrow you need to ban groups, and the day after tomorrow you will ask to ban players who simply know how to play this game.

I am ready to show each of you how it works. I’ll put any of you in a group of 5 and you’ll be shocked. No leader, no communication, we’ll just play. Yes, it’ll be a smashing of the enemy, yes, it’ll be humiliation and all that stuff you’re writing about here. But excuse me, what am I supposed to do? Show up to the first fight and stand AFK like the enemy team does? I see it! People just aren’t pushing their buttons.


Go and farm ur crops .

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Are you not the guy thats been confirmed to 99% or more to only play in sync teams while pretending to be “macho guy me amazing”?
Kinda remember you spamming how you “solo” everyone and how you carry everything to a win while some ppl confirmed you exclusively play in sync. :thinking:

Have you read what I wrote? I am personally ready to prove you wrong.

and yes, I play differently in one group and solo and in several groups. Without breaking the rules

And you apparently cant read what I write. I dont engage or play with people who are involved in syncing. Doesnt matter if you only do it 99% of the time and only 1% you do it alone. Goodluck though.

Syncers belong in the trash :+1:


Why are you afraid to see what I want to show you? It’s only 1 group…

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Yea, I am kinda afraid of playing with pathetic people.
Sorry, not interested in you or your kind.

I’m probably wasting my time trying to have a constructive dialogue. The 5 people who have been writing here for years have formed their own world, their own reality in which they live. And it’s probably not worth disturbing it.

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Its funny you say you want constructive dialogue when you keep asking the same question you already answered yourself for example.
You pretend you are amazing when in reality you engage majority of your time in syncing.
Pretending that your “winrate” is solely based on your “solo carry” skills.

Its the same theme with Syncers. They pretend they are amazing at the game by comp-stomping pugs which is equal to comp stomp (AB Bots brawl). Patting their backs congratulating each other in every victory. Must be amazing.

In other words, you and your kind are the typical “con-artists”.

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Why am I pretending? I am ready to show you this, you don’t want to see it yourself)
Are you afraid to admit that you are wrong?

Ok, I got it
Good luck to you

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I am wrong that you are a pathetic syncer?
You actually believe I would like to play with a syncer?
Sorry, im not like your “friends”.

I just feel its funny how you keep pretending. Keep it up :+1:

But heck, why ask people to join your groups when you can just record yourself doing it with no editing or cuts and put it on youtube or something? Or are you just too afraid to do it?

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No, I want you to personally see how one group easily wins games without communication, I want you to feel the level of players in your group and so that in the future you will not have questions about who and how wins games

Everyday im start play with 4-5players in group and we all time win games. You can see in twitch. Today i make for you clip

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