Stop putting salt to our wounds!

Shal’dorei fan base and many other people have been asking you to fix the Nightborne eye shapes (to make it Slanted as it should be) for over 3+ years now.

Meanwhile the devs: Hmmmm let’s do something for Blood elves!


I am sorry, but at this point, I cannot handle this anymore.


They just reduced the length of their faces, big deal?

Tell me about it
My little Nightbonre parked in Suramar and logged out
Untill we have nice face, eyes, more than a few hair, I will nopt touch him, no matter how I love the Shal’dorei
I guess we got the Kaldorei-treatment…


meanwhile bastion flying quest is bugged
and paragon challenge too
cant wait for flying so it becomes ez mode like the legion one

I don’t see a change in smirking, some faces just had a permasmirk on belf
My elf face (#10 IIRC) doesn’t look different
Other then that yeah changing head length is probably moving a slider or changing a number vs designing and building new appearances

Literally unplayable


Looks better.
Old one has a ridiculously pointy chin. That’s the only difference.

I swear the people who are really into races and customization get so upset over the literal slightest details.

Everyone’s cheeks tend to fill out over 12 years, it’s normal.

Did someone say perpetual smile? (Insert cursed image number whatever)

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Now they finally look like men.

Slanting the eyes big deal?

btw it is Wooooons… champion.

They ruined the male Belf faces, though. They look ridiculous. That picture doesn’t look so bad but I went on the character creation screen and they ALL have the same mouth. Smiling mouth. Just… nope. Shoves helmet on them

Who wants to be a male belf anyway?

Tbf, they’re pretty Adonis-like in actual human terms. Most of us look more like a sack of potatoes than we do a blood elf.

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animacones on the wq quest in Ardenwield (the one where you are a butterfly/moth) now seem to be single tap before they were shared so it now takes longer… (well pretty sure they were)

First world problems :woozy_face:

Honestly most of the stuff people are asking are already in the game. How hard is it to add Black hair to Void elves when our NPC’s already have it.

How hard is it to add Forrest troll green skin to Darkspear when it’s already in the game.

How hard is it to slant the eyes for the Nightborne like the NPC’s

ALMOST 90% of the stuff people are asking are already in the game’s database. Blizzard is just lazy to add it.

And if they can’t create new stuff, borrow it from the original races. Give Nightborne a few Night elf skin colors.

Give Highmountain a few of the original Tauren customization. Etc


I still find it funny (ridiculous? ironic?) that they added dark troll and sand troll skin colors but still no forest trolls.


Can someone point out what changed? I don’t see it