Stop ruining mage pulls!

whatever you do DONT TOUCH ZG MOBS!
you just have 1 point of view which is boosting=bad you destroy this pulls because people cryed about boosts 4 years ago.
but you dont see the ART of those runs!
if you dont want people to boost just remove the xp,
if you think the loot is too OP ( i dont hink so) then nerf loot from beasts…
but dont make the whole run unplayable this is part of classic!
if you push it to the limit, THIS PULLS ARE THE MOST CHALLENGING PVE CONTENT OF WHOLE WOW and i know a tons of mages myself who already quitted because you made that slow immune thing on maraudon and brd.
hope you dont make all of us quitting by destroying zg

Wow that’s a lot of whining. Obviously should be nerfed doesn’t belong in the game.


:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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if you dont want people to boost just remove the xp,
if you think the loot is too OP ( i dont hink so) then nerf loot from beasts…
but dont make the whole run unplayable this is part of classic!

Some players have the audacity to come onto the forums and complain about certain aspects of the game that are crucial to their grey area of movement, being frowned upon or just against the rules.

Not saying that OP has the above intentions but i find his argument for soloing parts of ZG incredibly creative but doesn’t mention the easy rep gain from doing the bridge in ZG thing solo, just as much as he didn’t mention the reason for mages to go solo in Maraudon (the epic dagger ofc).

In general however i find it rather lame that 1 class would get to pay the price for being able to do paid boosts while other classes are actually doing it, hunters in BRD for example.

100% they are adding some mechanic to prevent mage boosting in zg.
and thank god for that.

If you want to solo zg just play era.

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Its still possible in sod even with those changes, but yes a bit harder then in classic and maybe you split 1 pull to 2 pulls, but its possible and was discussed in mage class discord. If you talking about “Challenge”, its more challenging to find new strats of this farm with all those mob changes, then just use old strat with all new sod abilities (super easy and not challanging at all).

which challenge,those pulls that bots been selling boost runs since classic fully auto?

no, read everything… i said if you push it to the limit… its not hard to make small pulls
and the pull you talking about is farmed with flyhacks, they pull only crocs and tigers and then bring them to a spot you couldnt even reach without flyhacks