Stop the FOMO: Play World of Warcraft on Your Own Terms

Oui oui. I think for those people it doesnt even matter what it does or how it looks, they need to collect everything, it doesnt matter what it is.

Its like an addiction to some. And Blizz uses it cause it works. Just look at plunderstorm. People were living in that mode even though they hated it. Dropping in, looting plunder and then run into the storm. Over and over and over again. Blizz uses it cause it works every single time. Boosting participation numbers for events and modes that would flop if there wasnt any FOMO behind it.


I almost wish this addiction worked on me… cause honestly it looks they are having allot of fun…

My best friend in wow is doing the pandaria remix. Only to get the panda fireworks toy.

thats it… And I am just doing it cause everybody else is doing it and are all hyped for it. And I wanna see what its all about.

But as a retail player this does absolutely nothing for me… I wasn’t a huge fan of the pandaria transmogs back then… and I aint now either.

I am just doing it cause everybody else is… not gonna lie.

Imo the issue is not with those that are having fun doing it. The issue lies with those that hate the content they feel forced to do, yet still do it.


I’ve always played like this.

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Does it though? Did you feel like people were really enjoying the plunderstorm renown farming? I dont think most of them did. Or logging 50+ chars daily to do some event boss that has a 0,1% chance of dropping a mount to add to the thousands of mounts they already have. So much fun.

I do think people enjoy the panda remix though, it seems like alot of ppl are having a blast in there. I’ve played it a bit, its ok, but like you i dont really know why i play it. Its just something to do while everyone else is also playing it i guess.

I am sorry Nim… I know i might seem as a traitor now… given how I supported your hype before. And I still do. I am still happy for everyone who enjoys the new game modes and pandaria remix… I am just not one of them…

Ugh… to be honest?? Everybody at least in Plunderstorm… started on equal ground…

it was a form of PVP mode yes. But not like anything any of us where used too before…
we all started then on equal grounds. And it was fun? It was a blast.

I didnt make the farm though… I didnt get the pirate coat mog like the rest of you… Although i really wanted too.

truth be told I cared more about my retail characters than some game mode reputation at the time…

I am just not a fan unlike allot of you are… of retail wows future development. being made in new game modes and what not.

I did not like Plunderstorm so i only got to renown 2 or 3, dont remember. The people that enjoyed it its fine, its the masses that came crying on the forums that blizzard is forcing them to play something they dont enjoy that is the problem. But FOMO only works cause people let it work. And thats why it will never go away either sadly. It massively boosts the participation numbers for those events. Many people wouldnt have done it if it wasnt for the FOMO. Cause they dont enjoy it, they only do it cause they force themselves.


It’s just arrogant and condescending to think you understand something and other do not and you have to explain it. Your position is subjective, biased and reaches and many areas. Do not assume only one view is the right one there are many valid perspectives.

I think it’s also worth recognizing that Blizzard employs every trick in the book to make FOMO work. There’s little in WoW that you won’t find in a gacha mobile game or a sleasy used car salesman. So as a player you really have your back against the wall as the game constantly does everything in its power to tempt you into a certain type of behavior.

And it’s not like it’s a win or lose scenario where you either reject FOMO completely or you indulge in FOMO entirely. It’s a spectrum where most players are somewhere in-between. They’re not swayed by everything, but if a particular time-limited mount comes across that they really like the appearance of, then they are.

And in a game of this size Blizzard don’t need to win all the players all the time for the design to pay off. Some of the players some of the time is beyond sufficient.


The only “fomo” thing I care to obtain are the elite sets if I like the recolors. I got the season 2 elite set for paladins, druids and I’ve gotten every set so far in DF for priests.

Lol you are not a traitor for having a different opinion.
I am enjoying my one toon and I get mad with it on occasion when I run into a big bug, I don’t even want most of the stuff.
I just have nothing else to do really. Might play Cata after I have done everything. Certainly won’t last me 3 months.

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Sounds like a you problem.

Nope and not at all does this compels me to say i really need to be online, these are just excuses for your personality to blame some system as if that is there fault that u need to be online. ITS JUST U AND NOT A SYSTEM.

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Yeah this is why I will level in Remix only a Warrior, a Hunter, a Mage and a Warlock. Because I enjoy those characters in RP and want them on Level 70 despite also wanting all those Transmog. I think about also Leveling a Rogue though I have already three of them for RP.

I wish it was that easy, but I 100% admit: I have a problem.
In fact - I have plenty of problems.
I go to a psychologist for them, but so far; No solution has been found.
FOMO is one tiny part of the problems - And just saying “Stop” doesn’t work.

  • Be depressed
  • Try to play to do anything (This or other games, or other hobbies)
  • Don’t enjoy anything
  • Add FOMO

= Bad for user, unbreakable cycle, because doing nothing doesn’t help, and doing anything else has not helped so far either –
Companies love to have us as costumers tho, because we try grasp for any hope…
Our brains just confuse Hope with FOMO…

It’s basically just being a goop of tar in existance, trying to make the days pass.

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I relate this a lot, though my depression has eased in the last couple of years, chronic pain does bring it crashing back down and the god forsaken bored of everything mood. I’m mostly playing to do something until TWW is out.

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Exactly. It’s a mentality loophole companies know how to exploit. Or better said, “Managers” and “Suits” know how to exploit.

The average game dev doesn’t care about time-limited stuff usually. They just want to make a good game.