Stop the FOMO: Play World of Warcraft on Your Own Terms

FOMO is a tactic to encourage addiction, and it’s never fun when it’s an addiction.

The OP’s post is great and I hope it benefits someone reading it in that position.

I agree. I like farming at my own pace without the stress of pushing because it’ll go away soon.
I’m doing old content and if doesn’t drop I’ll try next week…

… but this 90 days left stresses me out. Although is a lot of time, it’s a ticking bomb on my brain.
I hope they would stop this.

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i did stop long ago chasing stuff i don’t need, now i play solo no more raids, mythic +, just exploring questing solo dungeons its a way more relaxing way to play the game, don’t forget its a game so use it that way.


I hate time limited events and FOMO but then I just realised, I can’t show the shiny new toys, mounts mogs etc. to my friends and family IRL so I don’t worry anymore :wink:

Life is short, enjoy fomo.

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Isn’t that a bit of an oxymoron?

I mean, with Plunderstorm and now Mists of Pandaria Remix you have lots of people who put tens or hundreds of hours into the game modes despite not enjoying them at all, entirely because they’re driven by an incessent need to acquire the rewards and feel a sense of satisfaction from the dopamine hit of seeing their collections or achievements increase by +1.

In that sense the “life is short” notion stands in stark contrast to the fact that Blizzard seeks to abuse these players’ time by creating absurd grinds and insanely rare drops and other time-abusing designs that are entirely motivated by a desire to boost their internal metrics for player activity and gameplay popularity - whilst at the same time completely disregard the fact that many players’ engagement is driven by FOMO and not enjoyment.


I dont get it.
If you dont have fun then dont play. It really isnt blizzards fault people lack self-control and force themself to play for pixels.

And on that note remix is fun, do recommend.


There are people in this thread saying “I’m forcing myself to do something I don’t enjoy for the rewards”. And they’re blaming the game for it. Tells you everything you need to know.

I personally enjoy time limited and seasonal content. I live a busy life style, and when I having some time to play I have something different to look forward to.

When I have longer periods of time to play, it makes its feel like the game I am playing is evolving over time.

And best most of all when they remove content and rewards, I have no feeling of need to go and farm old content. I can concentrate purely on the current game where the core player base is playing.

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You’re right, but what Blizzard does is intentionally target these people. They rely on them to keep the engagement metrics up. Someone has figured out that addicted gamers will endure anything - regardless of whether they enjoy it or not - as long as sufficient rewards are dangled infront of them.

Then Blizzard slaps a “LIMITED EVENT” on top of it to ensure that as many as possible will play the hell out of whatever it is, for as long as it lasts.

That way they can point back and claim it a success by the amount of hours played by a majority of the playerbase.


I feel like I covered that, and that others have explained it extensively throughout the thread, so I’ll advice you to simply read the thread (again?) if you don’t get it.

This is however something I would like to comment on.

Because I definitely think it’s Blizzard’s fault – because it’s their deliberate design.

And more than that, I absolutely think Blizzard have a responsibility – nay, a moral obligation – to ensure that their game design does not promote bad habits, be it physical or mental.

And that is unfortunately something Blizzard have forsaken in recent years in an effort to just drive profits above all else.

It’s not the consumer that should need to armor up and guard themselves from a barrage of predatory design schemes from Blizzard on their mind and wallet whenever they want to play WoW.

Gaming in general is an area that is in need of regulations and laws that help protect the consumer from what is increasingly become a hidden psychological assault not unlike walking into a casino in Las Vegas. Except here the audience is kids and teenagers.


No,Blizzard cares about making a fun and enjoyable game for everyone.

A few people are going to fall through the gaps along the way whatever they do.

There are millions of people playing this game that live a perfectly normal and happy life. Stop blaming the game, and start putting responsibility on yourself.

You are blue-eyed beyond belief if you think for a second that Blizzard aren’t hooking rewards in Plunderstorm and Remix up to Retail WoW in an effort to activate the collectors and completionists and drive engagement through that, rather than actually devoting more development resources into iterating and polishing the gameplay experience of those game modes themselves.

And why should players not be critical of such practices? Blizzard have basically figured out that they don’t need to make “a fun and enjoyable game for everyone”. They can just slap some time-limited collectable rewards on low-effort game activities and players will chase those rewards out of a fear of missing out that Blizzard themselves have instilled into them through their game design.


Why can’t players say when they enjoy the game the way it is?

This is what I’m looking for in a game. It’s fun and exciting. It’s the way WoW always has been.

If you’re struggling with addiction problems then it’s time you stopped blaming others, and realist the problem is within and take the necessary steps to get better. Only you can do that! Don’t expect others to change for you!

Emberthal, I’m not saying you can’t enjoy the game for what it is and appreciate the design if it works for you.

You do you.

I think WoW is an awesome and wonderful game as well. And I’m sure lots of other people do also.

But it’s possible to recognize that WoW is enjoyable and awesome whilst also recognizing that the design in some areas is concerning and problematic.

Maybe not for you and I, but for the playerbase as a whole.


Is this post created with ChatGPT? lol


My friend.

I have nothing more to discuss with you.

I have put the facts in this thread.

It’s now down to you to take the steps to getting better.

The first step is to stop blaming others and realise this a problem inside you.

There is a whole world outside. Go out and see it.

Emberthal, you are gaslighting by insinuating that I have a problem with addiction rather than respecting the merit of my arguments based on the reasoning I have given.

That is very disrespectful, so we will indeed not discuss anymore.

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If you don’t have a problem yourself.

Then my advise stands for anyone who is suffering.

Hopefully, Someone will read this and make the steps to a better life.

But I’ll point out the following:

There is no argument you’re making. It’s called excuses, and/or blaming others.

Truth hurts.

Honestly, at the end of the day you’re on a video game forum, trying to argue that the game is forcing you to play it.

I don’t think I can spell it out any clearer than that.

Do you have any wisdom to share to us who have taken steps, tried everything, even regularly talking to a psychologist, and still have the same issue?

Not playing/being distracted = staring into a wall, sleeping, having terrible thoughts.
Playing = Stress/Fomo

This is basically what some of us choose between.
So, give us a good advice that is not just “Go touch grass”, because some of us can’t do that either.

I hope you learn someday what it actually means to suffer these kinds of issues, and I wish you never have to experience it to be able to learn.

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Go out side.

If going outside isn’t possible, call and talk to some friends, read a book, or maybe (but not limited to) take up knitting.

Maybe try a different game.

Both of your above examples come down to being a You problem.

But that fact that you think this is targeted at you, is not remotely true. You are just an example of someone who has fallen through the gaps.

Again, stop blaming the game design, and work on yourself. You can do it and ONLY you!