Stop the FOMO: Play World of Warcraft on Your Own Terms

Sadly most people who suffer from fomo know exactly what it is, but still allow themselve toget dragged in.


I know the type, and sadly I feel like this just isn’t one of them. I think he is legit just not wanting to understand it. I applaud you for your patience tho <3


Well, what I see here is them just refusing to see your side of things. All arguments are ignored, just repeating the same over and over again.


Well, I agree - It does make for a sad discussion as it then becomes a mud fight. But at least we can now see in the thread that multiple people tried, and was met with the same response of “A lot of people can, it must be you that have a problem!” and if they truly are incapable of seeing things from other sides and stick to it, it probably wouldn’t matter even if Blizzard themselves wrote “yeah we do target addictive measures to increase player engagement” xD

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Boom nailed it!

Not knowing what makes a fun experience work, keeps it feeling fun.

Once you start trying to understand the mechanics behind why a game makes you feel good, is when you start to become paranoid that everyone is out to get you. Just like you guys are.

What I have at the moment is a fun game to be playing. The game doesn’t cause me any social or personal issues, and I live a perfectly “healthy” (subjective) life that I’m happy with (that’s what’s important). I have friends and hobbies outside of WoW (again subjective to what people want). Yet, I manage to participate in these events and make good progress.

The reality is, I couldn’t care less if a stranger in another part of the world is struggling because they feel forced to play because they need to have a time limited digital item in a time limited event in the game.

That persons wellbeing is not my problem. They need to start looking after themselves.

My problem comes when a game I enjoy starts to get watered down, because someone else has no self control.

There is no arguement for them to make.

Struggling with addiction, blaming others isn’t going to help you.

The ignorance is being incapable of seeing things from both sides… As Socrates said “The only thing I know, is that I know nothing”… You’ve been the only one claiming YOU are telling facts, and the results are one dimensional, rather than being able to see it from multiple perspectives and accepting the world is not as black and white as you paint it out to be.

Again… “I, I, I, I, I”… You really do prove that you aren’t capable. And thats fine :slight_smile:

No one said you should care or that it was your problem.

It really doesn’t though… If we look at bare facts, the FOMO events increase over time?

There is plenty, but again… Incapabilities do limit you a lot here it seems.

I will once again repeat… The problem is not blaming others, its boiling it down to only blaming the addict… We wouldn’t regulate against addictive substances if your view was the norm… But we do… Why? because everyone that is able to see the bigger picture knows that the world is not just “Oh you have a problem?.. Just stop?” Luckily they do realize the measures companies go to, and do in a lot of instances take action :slight_smile:

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In fairness to the argument, you can just stop.

I did.

And i was as addicted as they come once upon a time.


Again… No one is saying you can’t… where in “the argument” did you get that from?

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Not reading too deeply into it honestly, was just putting it out there the whole subject is stupid at this point.

Companies using addictive tactics to drive revenues?

Next people will be saying water is wet.


Okay, let me recap for you… That thing you claim here is “logical” is the exact thing Emberthal says is not true. And that companies do not derive addictive tactics, but only focuses on “making a fun game and experience”. So yeah… We seem to agree :slight_smile:

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Well hes not right is he?

Theres your confirmation .

Now it can be dropped :slight_smile:

I can see things from both sides.

I just simply don’t care about the other side. It’s not that I ignore your comments or questions. I’ve just heard them 1000 times before in these threads.

Good, because I like Time Limited Content.

The more the better in my absolutely honest opinion.

I said before I have a busy life style. So when I get time to play having a new event to participate in without the need to go back do old stale content is good.

This is the part that you don’t seem to be understanding.

Some people like this. This what we enjoy about the game. This is why we keep coming back to play a game that we enjoy.

You’re making out that the tactics the developers use are a bad thing. They’re not, they’re creating a fun and enjoy game that we can keep playing. It’s works, so they keep doing it.

It’s not a bad thing. It’s a good thing.

Now if you’re sensitive to that kind of experience, then it’s better to steer clear of it, than to indulge yourself.

You can simply just jump back out of the discussion again? :slight_smile: Why the urge to jump in randomly, without having read it, and “ending it” ? :joy: If you don’t care for it or Think its stupid, just ignore it.
If you have something FOMO related to the game or the thread topic I would probably be very much interested in discussing the matter with you, as that is what the Forums are for.

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A lot of people enjoy gambling too… Doesn’t mean betting sites are completely innocent… Same with alcohol companies…

The problem is, while you do say “I can see things from both sides” you keep coming back to only wanting to blame one side… Whereas everyone Else keeps trying to tell you that both sides can do wrong here… It doesnt mean NO ONE enjoys time gated content, it doesn’t mean everyone is addicted… But one does not cancel out the other, thats the point you keep missing.

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From an egoistical point of view, this is the annoying tendency in the game design. It applies to WoW and most other triple A games and Live Service games.
They’re happy to just prey on a certain segment of players at the cost of broader appeal – “fun” if you will.

WoW has ample opportunity to explore a lot of innovative and grand game experiences, but Blizzard have really doubled-down on the replayability of events and instanced content that for the most part is very banal in terms of gameplay design. A lot of the Dragonflight events barely require you to play - you simply just need to turn up.

It’s cheap development and it works because that certain segment of players have – willingly or unwillingly – shifted their motivation from enjoyment through gameplay to enjoyment through rewards.

And ultimately it steers the game down the path of something like Farmville back in the Facebook days. It’s clearly not engaging gameplay. It’s just an addicting behavior loop. But it’s worthwhile for companies to pursue that design because the segment of players that get hooked on it get really hooked.


Exactly… So while MoP remix for example is for a lot fun, new, rewarding, it very much so does target the FOMO players that otherwise wouldn’t be playing DF as season 4 is just fated season…
is it at the end of the day our own duty to take action and get help as individuals? Yes… But does the companies know what they are doing with both the timing, time gating and content? Of course…

If the playerbase really wanted time gated stuff, the mage tower wouldn’t get reverted to a permanent thing.

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No. I’m not pointing blame.

I am just trying to help others realise that they shouldn’t blame the game for the issues they should be facing upto themselves.

No, this is what I have been arguing. I’m not missing that point.

I’m saying that if you fall into the Addictive side, then maybe rather than blaming the game for your problems, maybe take responsibility and start to take the steps you need to take to get back on track.

I very much realise it’s not black and white. But when you’re at a point where you feel the game is forcing you to play it and you’re moaning about it online, you’ve reached a point where you need realise you should take a black and white solution.

The game isn’t going to change whilst what it does is working.

People play games to rub their egos. That’s why it works.

This is just one example of you putting the blame on one side. So not really true is it? :slight_smile:

Exactly… No one said it was going to or it didn’t work?.. YOU however claimed that companies do NOT use tactics in a predatory way to increase revenue and player engagement, which is simply just too narrow minded.

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