Stop the FOMO: Play World of Warcraft on Your Own Terms

Bruh, please, addiction and depression aren’t just some optional quirks you can decide to turn on and off at will.


Could you then explain the things you very conveniently jumped over? :slight_smile:

EDIT: I will even point them out again here:


But the game isn’t preying on these people. That’s what they need to stop blaming.

The game is a game millions of people enjoy daily.

You mean the things I have already addressed in the thread.

Maybe you should conveniently stop jumping over the thread.

I don’t see you mentioning why they time gate things anywhere. Please do refer me to where you explain that part :slight_smile:


Smoking is something millions of people enjoy daily, ergo it can’t be bad for you.

Hmm, sound logic for sure


Nah, you look through it yourself.

You’re saying that WoW causes cancer?

Did you know that 100% of people that breath air eventually die? That’s a fact! Air is bad for you.

You’re saying there’s no unhealthy consequences from overplaying?


I did. You never mentioned why they do it :slight_smile: You only say “oh I don’t feel the need to go back when they remove it! great!” or “I was out in the wide world when X event was there!”

So nice try :slight_smile: Conveniently jumping over


And that’s why self control and time management is important.

The game is there for people to enjoy how they chose you. There a millions of people who live a healthy life and enjoy Warcraft for all of its features and events.

The risks of getting lung cancer is 14% if you smoke… So more people does it without getting it? Why do we blame smoking? Surely the problem is peoples own bodies not able to handle it, guys stop blaming tobacco companies! maybe if you started doing things that decrease cancer?

Tobacco companies just want to create something that people enjoy


What is there to address about time gating then? The same way the Timegate episodes in the TV show? Or release books and movies in Trilogies? You’re not really getting anywhere with this.

Basically if you don’t like the way the game works, find a game that works the way you like it. Stop trying to blame the game for your own problems, because other people enjoy it the way it is.

It’s not about conveniently skipping your questions. You’re talking absolutely rubbish and making excuses when the reality is, if you game is causing you problems in real life, sort your life out first, because the game aint going to change for you.

hahaha what? You literally just showed you have zero grasp for the topic at hand when you compare it to time gating tv shows… :') I knew it, nice to have it confirmed

This was really the kicker xD Literally asked you pretty neatly what there was to address and you still managed not being able to… Or you know… conveniently chose not to :wink:
and then went for the whole “YoU’rE jUsT tAlKiNg RuBbIsH!”


At the end of the day it’s down to do you like something or not.

If something doesn’t work for me, I go off and spend my time doing other things.

If I enjoy something I carry on doing it.

But yet, there is thread full of people here complaining about something that they don’t like, and they’re blaming the game for it, rather than just picking up and going to find something else to do.

Again, if you didn’t avoid the questions I asked we may be able to get further. But so far all you’ve done is avoid the questions you don’t want to or can’t answer and go “Hurr durr, you addicted? Just stop??”


Well I mean, you haven’t exactly added anything substantial to this thread. Other than try to blame the game for your own problems in life. And then laughing at people who are trying to help you.

Stop trying to read between the lines here. It’s part of blaming others.

If you feel forced to play WoW, then just stop. Here is your opportunity. To put a stop to your addiction. Delete you characters, close your account. It’s sunny outside, go for a walk. Get a new start.

The questions you keep asking aren’t going to help you get better.

I pretty much did add something, opposite of you :slight_smile:
Why would I need help? Aaaaah… yes… probably because you can’t imagine having the perspective in a situation more than your own view, so of course, me being able to see it from two angles must mean I suffer from addiction… Got it… :slight_smile:

What have you added? Told addictive people should just stop?
Can you go cure illnesses as well then too mate? Considering you’re “helpful” I assume a lot of people would be grateful!

Maybe start with work related stress… that takes a lot of toll on people and the health care system in many countries… I am sure if you used your “millions of people work without getting stressed, stop blaming your work” logic, we could save a lot of people! and government money!

No need to read between the lines.

Again… Stop implying people suffer from things xD You just can’t answer and thats fine, just say so.
Its sad that you have to try and diagnose others to avoid things <3

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You’re making excuses again.

Not really, but it’s the typical answer, when ignorance is bliss. You would rather go for the man because you are not capable of going for the ball :slight_smile:

And that’s fine. At least we all figured out, that you have no perspective and you aren’t able to have perspective

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Just report him for trolling, he’s either trolling or extremely uneducated and unwilling to learn; Or both.

Not necessarily. I have a guy from back when I studies, super smart guy… But he lacked the ability to see things from more than one perspective, usually a “logical” perspective. So even though he was a smart guy, when it came to these matters he simply wasn’t capable of understanding the other side, because logic told him (in this case) “Well if this makes you sad… then just stop doing it?”. I assume it’s the same case here, considering they couldn’t answer the questions given when it required putting things into more than their own perspective :slight_smile: