Stop the FOMO: Play World of Warcraft on Your Own Terms


Not sure it’s really worth trying to have a discussion with someone like this.

It’s simple. If it doesn’t work for you, play something else. If you feel forced to do something, get help.

Whiners, I haven’t said.

Tinfoil Hats… but… it really is a case of “they’re out to get me”.

Biased. Well those magazine articles are biased. They’re written from a point of view, that is a bias.

As above.

Because they are written in a bias. It doesn’t matter who wrote the paper. It’s a point of view.

I’d rather hear your point of view, than read a paper.

They’re all quite respectful comments tbh.

I have never implied YOU are addicted. I am writing this, because it is likely to be read by someone who is.

The comparisons in those examples are real. This is full on tin foil hat, they’re out to get me kind of stuff.

As I said before, just enjoy the experience. Thats why they make it, for you to enjoy.

The other difference is, that Naia just moved on. You’re still here questioning my education rather than discussing the subject.

Remember, I’ve been trying to get this back on topic, but you keep trying to attack me.

I didn’t bring it up?? YOU were the one that stated your own education level? like are you okay? xD

Point still stands :slight_smile:

They are research papers… Not magazine articles? xD

Again, doesn’t say you should care for others… Caring for others and seeing things from different perspectives is not the same :slight_smile: But nice try

I ask you again… Do you know what a peer-reviewed paper is?
If that is the logic, NO research is unbiased… like come on xD

Not really tho xD

No when I wrote that, you literally replied “You keep making excuses” and now you try and save it, nice try xD

Nope, I have not. YOU brought up your education level and I just stated that it doesn’t say much about it :slight_smile:

hahahaha lol right… When I brought in articles you started coming for them and me again. Nice try <3

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You sure about that.

Incase you forgot.

They’re still opinions.


I’m not debating the research they’re doing. I’m just pointing that their research is being done to support an opinion. Which is fine, that can be a peer reviewed paper.

that doesn’t make it the be all and end all.

Well these are the sort of excuses an addict makes. I’m not implying you’re an addict, but you’re giving off telltale signs.

Like how you’ve turned abusive after a while, and though I’ve been trying to steer this back on topic. You’re still continuing to focus on attacking me rather than discussing the topic.

You told me to educate myself. All I responded was that I had a good enough education to be successful in my chosen career path, and that I didn’t even want to think about education in my personal relaxation time.

As I said, I’m not interested in opinions of people outside of this topic. I want to hear your experiences.

It may be the language barrier… “Educate yourself” could be said about worlds greatest math professor if we were talking football and he had knowledge :slight_smile: again… NOT about your education level, but about your knowledge on the subject matter. Which in case you forgot even you yourself said you were no professor in :slight_smile: So yes. Quiet sure. Are you done trying to pretend I brought your education level up now? xD

Thats a bit oxymoronic… Either you don’t know what a peer-revieved paper is or you’re just trolling calling research papers “opinions” xD

What no?.. A peer-review literally is to make sure that its scientific and NOT opinions? xD Come on mate, you can do better if you’re trolling <3

I really haven’t but for some reason you would rather spend the time waffling and calling me names, rather than actually setup proper arguments, but entertaining it is, I must admit :slight_smile:

Again, not about your education level but your knowledge… No one is excemt from “educate yourself” as no one knows everything :slight_smile:

Which as you said yourself “Has no relevance to the discussion” so no idea why you would bring up your eductaion level :slight_smile:

Then you don’t really want to discuss the matter. Because you got it, you claiming you “try to get back on topic” but have spent the entire thread saying anyone that disagrees with you is showing addictive behaviour, calling them names, tinfoil hats, biased etc. is not

Nice try though. I do find it fun that someone claiming they have such a busy life, spends so much time trying to keep going like this xD But hey, at least I have fun so appreciate it

Are you fightinng?! Il kick both your rears?! what you fighting about?!

Fighting? not really, I’m just bored, so entertaining a string of waffling to see if there will be logic at some point xD

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but what? Whats the point your making? And emberthal is? that your both colliding on? I am trying too read up on this chat… and ohh boy…

Do you guys even your self know what your arguing about at this point?

Whether or not companies like Blizzard uses targetted tactics like FOMO to reach the addicted playerbase as they now it will drive up revenue and player engagement :slight_smile:

They claim game companies (and companies) does no such thing and only cares for entertainment and fun experiences) and the entire fault is at the players :slight_smile:

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And? What is Emberthal saying that has got you both fighting this badly?

Your fight needs a reset so you both know what the hell your both even arguing about at this point

Essentially that they don’t do it, and if you are addicted then you should just “take control and stop being addicted” (summarized) xD

I am well aware but it becomes pretty hard discussing when if you disagree you are; biased, shows signs of addictive behaviour, tinfoil hat, biased etc. xD

Heck even research papers on the matter is being called “magazine papers” and “biased” xD

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Fair enough… Now Emberthals stance. Where do you stand Ember?

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You did though. And you seem pretty hyper focused on it.

I carefully wrote my response to not encourage a reaction. But you have run on this one for several posts now as if you felt it was important to me. You clearly saw it as something you thought would upset me. which is hasn’t because you don’t know me.

Maybe it’s time you just apologised and we could move on?

Well they are just opinions. You clearly have the lack of understanding here. It’s research on a subject that supports one side of the argument.

You’re still going on about it.

Well, yes I do have a busy life.

Not that I should have to discuss my personal life. I work away from home for 6 months at a time. I’m currently on a couple of months of leave. I got home 2 weeks ago.

In my free time I enjoy doing exercise. However I went swimming last week and have ended up with an ear infection. So I feel a little under the weather and am staying home and enjoying WoW.

This is topic I feel quite strongly about, so I joined the discussion.

He seems pretty hyper focused on my education at the moment. I’m kind of giving up on him.

Nope… And I proved it :slight_smile: Nice try

But you calling me an addict? you know me? xD
Did not say something that I should apologize for. So maybe you should apologize for lying about me and diagnosing me?


You brought it up <3

Lol your first comment was “Sounds like a you problem” nothing else… I see you feel very strong about it xD

There you have it xD Quiet entertaining tbh, but the level of trolling really declined from the start where I was actually doubting whether they meant what they were writing or trolling… Now its just clear… But… still entertaining xD

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We’re going around in circles here.

Blocked. Bye.

Aaaah nothing left I see… Have a good one, thanks for the attempt! Was a good try <3

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Cause there is already enough nonsense in the world and you seem’d smart enough to realise that at first glance.

Unbelievable that ur both still going


You clearly had nothing worth bringing to this subject and seem hyper focused on discussing your perception of my education. And you just took around in circles.

I’ll monitor your next couple of posts, and if you can bring it back on subject I might join you again. But you’re just trolling at the moment. I don’t have time for that.

Nah, there’s been no debate for the past 20 or so posts. He’s just been attacking what he thinks is my level of education and then denying that he ever brought it up.

I’ve blocked them now. Way too much gaslighting.

I’ve been preaching in this thread if you’re not enjoying something, or its causing to much grief. Stop it.

So I did. that’s why they’re blocked. Never need to listen to that guy again.

I dont really care to be honest, nothing personal in me saying that.

But ur both as bad as eachother at this point.


Hahaha awh wasn’t I blocked? :')

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