Mainly Demon Hunters abusing this to make themselves immortal in wpvp, camping levelling areas and killing quest and other npc’s. They cannot be stopped unless you have a handful of folks to stunlock them and prevent them using Leech on npc’s that they one-shot to heal to full.
This can’t be an intended use of this mechanic and needs to be adjusted.
Giving perma leech to DH class was a mistake.
If you want to give them a selfheal do it like you did with rogues.
On CD.
Btw Blizz should remove rogue and all melee classes selfheals.
To compensate that they could bake some deffensives to the classes.
Example feint of rogue could reduce damage by 30% for 5 seconds but on 30 seconds CD or 1 min.
Make the non hybrid classes get rid of self heals and give them some deffensives to compensate.
Self healing is part of the game but it is nutty how some of these “DPS” classes can basically top themselves almost arguably in 2-3 globals randomly cause it “crit”
thorns is disgusting and needs looking at too on the topic of defensives.