Stop trying to 1v1 healers in WM!

They’re designed to heal people through a raid boss. You’re not a raid boss…
No dampening out there, and its raining mana potions. You’re not going to oom him…
You’re just making yourself mad.


Someone is mad lmao. I agree that a well-geared healer can be hard to kill, yet not impossible.

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I’m afraid complaints about WM might get us nerfed in a way that makes bg/arena unplayable.

I think they wander out of Shuffle and don’t understand just how nerfed the healers they were playing against were.

No one is complaining about healers in WPvP. The fact that you do the WPvP quests in healer spec to play it safe is fine. You’ll die anyway if two DPS decide to kill you (unless in the Cobal

Don’t everyone die to 2 dps though? Unless you are a rogue and can vanish at least

Did someone turn WM ON without understanding it means “war mode”? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Instead of demanding “everyone else to not PvP in a PvP mode”, maybe don’t op into a PvP mode? :man_shrugging:

This is one of the biggest areas where people show their “Karen side”. Imagine trying to make everyone else “not PvP in PvP”. :joy:

It reminds me of the time when we were kids, and my younger brother shared a “dirty joke on Facebook”, and then his friends parent demanding “WE didn’t allow MY BROTHER on FB because he posted dirty jokes their child shouldn’t see”. :sweat_smile:

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:point_up: <=== the point

:smile: <=== you

I’m just gonna heal and slide into a hub a high spot and yoink off and glide down. Stop wasting time you are right haha.

I enjoy jumping off cliffs with folks using Mind Control who try to kill my Holy Priest out there.

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