Stopped tanking

Uhmm not really, usually super high level is more competitive mocking than toxicity.

If you really must point out a level where toxicity is higher i would probably say 20-25 right now where the majority of the “i am a god” kind of people are probably stuck.

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It actually gets a lot less toxic when you get past the 8-14 range. That place is deadly. It gets even less toxic at 20+. Of course there’s always exceptions.


So…this still goes on.

I leave for 3 years and it hasn’t changed at all.

Solution…Never TANK outside your guild.

Tanks are human too, they make mistakes and cover enough for everyone else’s mistakes.

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Nah, it’s people in far lower keys that are toxic. It’s especially noticeable on weeks like this. They keep renewing bursting and then flame the healer because they’re wiping the group.

It is kind of hilarious they’re flaming others for what is caused by their own bad plays.

I would like to give tanking a proper go some time though this is always the thing that makes me a fair bit reluctant to do so. It’s bad enough when playing a healer.

If the tank messes up, it’s a panic moment. Healer has to trigger panic, dps panic. EVERYONE PANIC!
Same with the healers.
Tank dead, start again… It doesn’t feel good.

Dps are a dime a dozen long as we don’t mess up to hard we’re fine. You just gotta babysit us.

I wana try tanking mythics. But I aint doing it right now, Unless you got the optimal strat peeps be tilted.

Its true unfortunately

:notes:I gave up tanking on Monday- I never thought that I could :notes: rather crude old song so changed it to suit the thread title

Not completely true in my experience tho. If the dps players do a solid work in m+ the job as both healer and tank are vastly more easy. Much more room for “trial and error” if the dps is high :slight_smile:

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I also have rerolled from tanking very high keys, after having tanked keys for almost 4 years. But i didn’t quit tanking very high keys pugging from square zero. For the same Reason as OP did. I quit it because i am one of those kind of people who just dislikes with a passion either wasting others time in general too much or dissapointing others.

Now i’ve gone back to playing a Hunter again and it’s much easier to multitask as a Deeps where you ain’t having 10+ questions about route, skips and the usual ‘‘gogo’’ awful mentality from DPS usually number ZEEEN of zeens. Constantly throw those 2 cents at you every few mins.


Thats the biggest problem with your average zeeen puggie group finder player. They are horrendous in general sooo many time, sooooo many at taking self responsiblity for their own eff ups.

Tanking in M+ is next level compared to Raiding… You have to know basically every trash pack abilities, % of groups, routes etc…

Raid = you stand before boss, taunt if needed from off tank and face away from Raid Grp…in a nutshell :joy:

It’s pretty simple. If friends are offline I don’t do M+. It’s too much stuff to worry about outside of just hitting mobs and staying alive. Losing aggro in the opener, taking a different route than their favorite streamer does on + 29 keys or just having dpsers pull on their own because 8 mobs is more dps for them than 5. If anything goes wrong at any point it’s the tanks fault, or the healer.
The shortage of tanks is partly Blizzards fault, but mostly caused by the community - the same people who are mad that they wait 20 minutes before a tank signs up for their key with the title “FAST RUN. BRING BRAIN”.

On Blizzards end the major issues that complicates tanking M+:

  • Too many mechanics from trash mobs. There are barely any mobs anymore that just melee the tank. Everyone has something that requires a purge, soothe, stun, interrupt. Weakauras and interrupt trackers have become mandatory to deal with an average trash pack.
  • Tank threat generation sucks in general. Some specs are worse off than others. If I run into a pack of mobs and do my rotation correctly I shouldn’t have to worry about aggro, and neither should dpsers who push their buttons. Threat is outdated in the modern game. It had it’s purpose in classic and tbc where the main job as tank was building aggro and not dying. There are easy ways to fix this without reverting the game back to Legion state where you did 2 aoe spells and never lost aggro.
  • Tanks have gradually become weaker since the glory days of Legion. Add more punishing mechanics across the board that can cause deaths/wipes, and you’ll have more players who just don’t want to deal with the stress so they play dps instead.

lol, grim memories about people wanting to do streamer or mdi pulls while being in a random Grp with no voice, and the possibility 1 out of 5 not knowing what/ when to kick.

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i totally understand, i would never wanna pug tank anything in this game. with these dps players just care for their dmg meters and such.

if people would care more about their reputation, like they did in vanilla they would not be this toxic as they are against tanks and others, but now people get away with being idiots.


And? This is somehow supposed to tell me that someone is a better person than the other, or what are you getting at?
We are not talking about what content is more difficult, but about all people who have a personality problem and are toxic. So what if m + is so “advanced”. I personally do not enjoy running and making the biggest possible keys. It is boring for me. And all those who are toxic while doing such a dungeon are unpleasant to other people … this is something to pay attention to. Because people are just childish, can’t bear to lose, don’t understand the simple rule that it’s just a game.

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thats they thing though

key was timed

txicity very rarely happens in key that can be timed

the moment peopel realise they wont mak timer all toxicity floods.

proving that the main reason for toxicity in keys is the timer.

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My toxicity experience primarily related to not making a +2 or +3.

This happens ‘because I did not do large enough pulls’ at some places. I usually check HPS on different spots as well as DPS before deciding to do a double pull or not.

We’re so far into the seasons that you can pretty much precalculate whether it’s doable or not based on cooldowns.

I guess this is one of those things where tanks respectfully agree to disagree and DPS just is angry because they did not get any loot. They might have gotten a piece of loot if we were 1 minute quicker and logged a +2 instead of a +1, etc.

I rerolled healer now, loving it so far. Tanks are very friendly so far and DPS is OK. Whenever DPS dies due to stupid stuff and they decide to blame me, I just link the avoidable damage taken.

As a tank you simply can’t have DPS face their facts and look into a mirror, as a healer you can.

Have a great day today with nice loot in your vault!