Storage Wars - WoW Edition!

Anything of value here? Is there anything worth putting on the AH or am I better off just vendoring the lot? Keep in mind that I am lazy, have completely given up trying to figure out how professions work, and haven’t played WoW in so long that I have no idea what any of these items are.

Can I get more than three fiddy for any of this junk?

Obviously you should put everything that isn’t soulbound on an alt guild bank.

For what purpose? I don’t really play alts.

A lot of the achievements Blizzard added for professions involve doing old crafting. There may be some value in some of it. Unfortunately that will mean checking the AH xD

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Column 6 bottom could be worth some gold at least. Other than that the only thing I can think of is the rousing fire/earth/ice etc.

I don’t really play around with mats anymore so I’m a bit out of the loop.

I need someone to make an add-on that gives me the live Auction House price of an item when you mouse over it! Pronto!



At best it’s like 15k though, we’re too far into the expansion for mats to still have a high value.

But also, if we’re doing Storage Wars… Can I get a “YEEEEEEP”?



I want your boots, your T3, sunglasses, staff and your motorbike.

Wait wrong univers


Grab an addon like TSM, Auctionator or Oribos Exchange so you can look at the current worth of an item in its tooltip.

You’d be surprised at the amount of rare stuff thrown into the AH for 25-500g that’s worth x10 to x10000 more.

Just keep in mind VENDOR SALE price affects the deposit cost. Throwing a 2H weapon, for example, onto the AH costs a lot on the deposit if it doesn’t sell. Despite being a rare item with a supposed high buy price you won’t always find a buy, if ever. Addons mentioned can also highlight how frequently an item sells per day on average - a lot of transmogs would be like 0.1 .

And then there’s stuff just not worth holding onto like mats going for next to nothing…

TSM might cover you

As an alchemist the “Burst” achievement ssssssucks… requires 5 rare recipes off Korthia’s Invasive Mushrooms.

Been at it for months long after getting the mount, trying to get the one I’ve been missing… gave up, sucked it up and bought the bloody thing off the AH for the low low price of 100k. :expressionless:

Now I just need to find 5 people to throw those things on me… :weary:

Far right column, second slot from the top. Is that a pocket from the feast? if so thats worth 33k to 36k in the AH

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Alchemical flavor pocket? Yes!

That won’t go to the vendor then! :yum:

41,890 gold in AH on my servers today :slight_smile: good luck :slight_smile:

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You have above 150k or higher there , maybe 200k .

Why would you even vendor things . The AH is like a vendor .
Dump everything into your bag . Go to the ah and right click on everything that can be put in the ah .90% of everything will be sold within two days for way more than the vendor would give you .

  1. Download the Auctionator addon
  2. Visit the auction house to perform a full scan
  3. Go back to your bank and the vendor cost and AH price will be displayed on the tooltip when you hover over each item.
  4. Decide what you want to put on the AH and what you want to vendor