"Storm Frenzy" talent is bugged for Ele shamans

It says that AFTER you cast Earth Shock (or EQ/EB) you gain Storm Frenzy which reduces the cast time of the next chain lightning or lightning bolt. However, if you cast a full cast LB or chain L and end with a tightly followed Earth shock, then the Storm Frenzy buff gets consumed by the Lightning Bolt you casted BEFORE the ES. It makes no sense and is starting to piss me off at this point, it messes with my damage and brain.

On top of that, the same talent is supposed to give only 1 haste boosted cast, but like before; if you cast another Lightning Bolt tightly after the first one you’ll get that extra haste boost on the second cast aswell despite having consumed the buff already.

I reported in game about a week ago but would be nice to have some more light on it.
Anyone else experiencing this? The same problem happened with Surge of Power in Dragonflight but that seems to be fixed now.

I dont pay attention to that.

But the bug a experiment is, when you cast instant lightning spell with stormkeeper or arc discharge, sometime a charge of strom frenzy is used, but not always.

Yes I’ve noticed that too, very weird.

Strange how these bugs aren’t talked about more since it actually ruins the min max potential quite a bit, I play around this bug all season and it feels really awful

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