Storm Strike doesnt hit for what tooltip says - Whats going on here?

Tool tip shows flat amount of 30466 but after countless tests on various dummy types, pvp, dungeon etc SS only hits for 20-21k - logs show 2 strikes for 1 press 13k main hand and 6k off hand - this is pretty consistent to. Whats going on? some funky scaling with dummy? SS feels a little weak so thought id bash the dummy and see

Maybe due to armor? Stormstrike does physical dmg.

certainly tooltip is before dmg mitigation like armor etc.

2 reason:

  • The tooltip doesn’t take the armor reduction (around 30% damage reduction if i remember)
  • 99.9999% of enh player still using flurry,a buged talent that f up some tooltip (stormstrike for exemple) and reduce the damage of our auto attack since his reintroduction in df.

No way…Is flurry detrimental to global dps ?
EDIT: Did some testing, didn’t notice any changes to tooltip

It isn’t. If it was you would see top logs not using it and guides recommending not to pick it.

check by yourself ingame,take a lv 1 weapon or use dejastatcharacter,it’s pretty obvious.
with flurry (
without (
for the SS tooltip:
Without flurry active (
With flurry active (
You are welcome.

Yeah, not getting the same.

Both with flurry talent or without, getting the same stats/damage. Better provide the methodology or logs of examples.

ALL of the top logs and best players/theorycrafters are using the talent, so if you got information on the bug, feel free to provide it (and no, those screen shots do not tell me anything, since no buff, gear or talent choices are shown).

Best case scenario the bug gets known and maybe fixed. Worst case scenario we clear information on the forum.

The bug occur when flurry is active (the buff of 3 stack),i’ve been report this issue since 10.0 but it still present (and keep reporting at every pbe).If the buff is not active there isn’t a reduction.For testing correctly, it’s preferable to buy some white weapon and see on the combat log the difference because the damage doesn’t fluctuate.

Note that this issue occur ONLY when the buff is active,when it disappear it return to normal.So you have to watch the damage when you are buffed.
On those test i also trigger flurry by using frost shock or flamme shock to not get some stormstrike proc of something else.

I will do some test by switching the language of the game but i doubt it will change since it’s in combat log.
I hope i have clarify,i will post later the full methodology and test with screenshot.

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So here the test:
All the log are done on the raid dummy of stormwind.
The weapon use for the experiment are the one that you can buy at stormwind shown on the screen:
The only buff i have are shown on this screenshot:

  • The mana stone detector from legion
  • The head enchant
  • The reputation buff
  • The weekly buff

Maelstrom weapon will stack during the test.
This is my stat on both experiment:
you can check my gear on my profile,i will not change it since i will go to sleep after that.

Now let’s see the difference:
The first test i will just auto attack the dummy:

We can see 4 different damage :

  • The main hand dealing 3375-3376 without crit and 6750-6751 crit
  • The off hand dealing 1886-1687 without crit and 3375-3376 crit
    We can see no difference between all the auto attack,they have the same damage with only 1 dmg of variation.

Now let’s go to the second test where i take the flurry talent:
In this case i use frost strike to trigger flurry with a crit,then attacking 3 time.Rince and repeat.
We can see 4 different damage:

  • The main hand dealing 2934 no crit and 5868 crit
  • The off hand dealing 1467 no crit and 2934 crit

I let at the end of the first screenshot i autoattack without flurry to show it’s the same damage than the first test when the buff expire.
Now we can clearly see the difference between when flurry buff is up and not up:

  • The main hand deal 2934 vs 3375-3376 no crit and 5868 vs 6750-6751
  • The off hand deal 1467 vs 1886-1887 no crit and 2934 vs 3375-3376

No matter how many time you aa with a lv1 weapon like this,the damage will stay the same,and that a good thing to test bug like this.
I don’t think i can be more precise than that.
This last screenshot show that no other buff than the one said before are active:

Ok after testing it a little bit, seems you are part right. Here is what I found:

  • The talent bugs off the tooltips of abilities but does not change their damage (tested and any ability used was doing the SAME DAMAGE, either with flurry up or not).

  • When flurry procced any AUTO ATTACK damage was reduced by 15%. This seemed to be the same for both enhancement AND restoration (so it is not enh specific tuning for the talent).

The testing was done on a lvl 60 shaman, with no gear apart from ilvl 1 weapons, and randomly chosen talents (that did not provide a AA damage buff/debuff).

Although from what I tested, the talent is still required 100% of the times, since the AA damage loss amounts to 15% reduction in less than 5% of our overall damage, while the 15% attack speed buff is WAY more of a dps gain.

Still will try to share what I found to see what is known.

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