In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Stormrage in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Looking for any Alliance players on Stormrage.
Character: Pancha, Dwarf, Paladin
Guilds: Fire and Blood, The Forged Fellowship, Genesis
Characters: Tefa, Mordret, Naraxi/Esereht, or anyone else that might regroup for some Classic action and sharing of fond memories 
This time arround I will still play a Dorf paladin, but raiding will be limited, and Naxxramas will for the time being only be part of my fond memories of my youth 
Character: Reyno, Dwarf warrior
Guilds: Middle of Nowhere, Absolute Vikings, Order of Ages
Characters I remember: Farquaad, Thibbledorf, Kol, jessican, gnolle, gurraberra, Meö. And so many others I wish I never forgot the name of. Also the friends from brotherhood of the vatos that we raided with. I miss you all!
I remember that character name as I was a member of Middle of Nowhere.
One of my characters in that guild was a Night Elf Hunter named Charnoctar. I didn’t raid however, I guess I was more like what they call today, a social member.
Characters: Charnoctar (Night Elf Hunter), Caressa (Human Warlock), Innocencia (Human Paladin)
Guilds: Middle of Nowhere, Knights of Legend
Characters I remember: Farquaad, Talena, Rinya, Thibbledorf, Dusse (I think? I remember a Dwarf Paladin who helped my Warlock Caressa and Paladin Innocencia with the class mount quests), and many others I sadly forgot 
Name Zell
Faction Alliance
Class Paladin
• Larsman, Dwarf Paladin.
• Barbarians and raiding with Mystery-Meat.
• Anyone who remembers me!
Monkeyman/ many alts
Anyone from Quarks Minions or anyone that remembers!
• Deed, Nightelf Druid
• Menethil Raiders, Zeal, Narrenturm, Impulse PL
There were so many players I met that i woulnd’t know where to start.
Tessadianna you there mate?! 
Hi SR community! 
Wow! I did not expect to find someone from MoN here.
I sadly do not fragment you, and didn’t have this character back in the day, since I played on Reyno. But I do remember we had two Dutch guild leaders? I don’t remember their names, I just remember we had fun together! It would be great to hook up again! =), I’m going to be rolling on Zandalar Tribe. Just so you know.
Originally a Night Elf Hunter
Classic guild: Low Landers
Edit: Who else remembers Bagga the gnome enchanter on IF bridge, Gregg the AH guru (dwarf priest), and Zippo with his early Winterspring Frostsaber (human mage)?
Rebekah - warlock main 15 years and counting
Vanilla Guilds: Bloodhawks, Focus, Tempered
Rolling on Mirage Raceway 
Zimba if you’re out there … fika?
Yes, I do remember we had a dutch leader, or maybe even two. I can’t really remember their names. But as you said, we sure had fun.
I’m not sure yet where I will roll (or which faction even) but I do know I will probably wait a couple of weeks until the initial rush has died down a little. Don’t feel like spending a whole day in the starter zones lol
If there is still room on Zanadar Tribe I will consider rolling a toon there 
Bearskii, 60 dwarf hunter
Guild: Karma/Touché
Remember doing the hunter quest for alt hunters in the guild.
Me, Shaala/Esereht and Zumarba are thinking of playing and we need a Paladin in our team! 
Naraxi (Dwarf Priest) in Flawless and The Nordic Elite .
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Nathal lvl 60 Human warrior
Guild WFK/ World Finest Knights
Remember lots of people from there hope some will play again on the classic servers
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Hi guys,
I used to play a Rogue called Blazer
Played in a guild called Red Kites back in the day
Anyone from the Techno Chickens guild
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Chars: Ivyleaf & Munchkin (Rogue & Hunter)
Guild: Generations
Looking to re-connect, and play Classic WoW if anyone else from the old guild is up for it.
Karly, human, paladin
Aman shan re
Looking to reconnect with you all, but to name some: Patsabre, Winston, Skystrike, Skyler, Woland, Bakka… ect!
Ill be playing horde on Shazzrah this time around, ull find me under the name of Ragnfast.
Hey Pancha!
Fellow Fire and Blood guild mate here. Not sure if you remember me, played a Rogue called Illuminati (Illu) for my sins. Also Nocturne (Tauren Druid) from the guild Nemesis on Burning Steppes.
Will be returning to Classic on a casual basis, maybe more time permitting.