Barster - Dwarf - Warrior
Avenell - Undead - Warlock
Halp - Undead - Priest
Had a few guilds during my time. Alliance I think it was Raven Hill Raiders? Which then some people formed Insight? raided with them for a bit before rolling horde. Had a small guild called StompAGnome Inc with a few friends, had short raiding spells in Elitism and then PewPew. Used to join Fusions/Munch’s BG group quite a bit.
Going do the same for classic and join a PVE server again, not sure which. Not sure how much time I’m guna get to play but I’ve booked some time off work to play in the first week.
Going to multibox a bit. But if anyone remembers me, feel free to drop me a message if you fancy grouping up a bit early on.
EDIT: I’ve rolled Pyrewood, shamefully on alliance. Main characters are Leorick and Avenell.
Hello to any former Nifelheim players out there! I played the undead warrior Logoth if anyone remember me, played with Killbull/Solozzo. Was around untill mid TBC expansion before moving to other realm playing with some irl friends.
I’ll be on Shazzrah server on horde joining a full swedish guild. Can look me up on discord with Thrunjin#1627 . Would be awesome to meet some of you people once more.
Ooga, troll shaman in Elitism for most of vanilla.
Nice to see some old faces here, Schopie and Wuushu in particular - it’s been a long time since AB days but I remember them very fondly.
I’m rolling horde on Shazzrah.
Hey dude, Ooga here.
Long time, hope you’re good!
Think I was in Phoenix with you. Was only there a short while though. If not I remember the name from random sightings
Vinscent - Tauren - Warrior
(Malevolence, Armyofdarkness, Abyssus Incendia, Phoenix - later in TBC Raiders of the Lost Orc)
Kreplak - Orc - Hunter
Earthdaddy - Tauren - Druid
Launch is upon us, the servers are barely handling the pressure from all characters created. Pray blizzard protect us through the login screen.
Will be playing Alliance warrior, Crusherix on Pyrewood Village(PvE).
@Sypr you and grimm gonna play any?
Woodstar, Druid. Was in Lost Souls, Nocturnal, Abysussus Incendia.
LFG Shando, Desolant, Maca, Trollisch, you crazy swedish fellas like Smkr, Altano! (ahh too many too remember!) Just get in here guys, got myself a char called Stompster on Nethergard Keep server
Pyrewood village, but I’m still not sure that’s where old Elitism will hang out since I’ve been out of the loop on classic. Still juiced up on retail.
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Holy sh!t the old names are coming out of the woodwork. Nice to see you dude.
Vertash - troll warrior
Phoënix , and later silenced
Will be heading to mograine
Tanking again of course!
Colossal - Tauren Warrior
Cassiopeia - Undead Priest
Fraternitas Ferreus - Main Tank and various PVP teams on the priest with Mohawk, Docizzy, Schopie, Pucken, Dooma, Savras, Novamir to name but a few.
Can see some very familiar names here already, Resurrected FF for Classic on Golemagg Horde - Colo - Undead Rogue, there are a few names from the past coming back however mostly CE raiders from Retail having a crack at some real hardmode WoW!
There is always a place for old Stormrager’s in FF if they want it! just give me a shout.
'sup Schopie!
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Good to see you again Schopie! Titanka here
Hey Casi! Mohawk, Docizzy, Schopie, Pucken, Dooma, Savras, Novamir these names are blasts from the past. Whatever happened to Fuzion?
Jyoti - Rogue troll female, was in Elitism and Obsidian Guards mostly. Would like to see Ablaze/Infectious here