Stormrage Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Stormrage in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

I don’t remember much from vanilla on this char since i got to 60 2 weeks pre-tbc.
I had 3 irl friends who played on this server who i believe played in a guild called “Obsidian Guards”, one undead male priest named “Malakor”. My personal journey on the realm didn’t head off untill tbc after i got hacked and lost everything, back then GMs didn’t restore much… so i choose to switch factions.

Anyway i just wanted to drop in since this realm were like family for 4 years of my life. Hope ya’ll gonna have a good time in classic if you decide to play with your busy adult lifes! :slight_smile:


Schopie, Tauren, Wawwioh!
Razor Hill Roughnecks
I may have spent some time in Arathi Basin


Formerly known as Healbull, Tauren druid in Nifelheim. stopped raiding and did pvp, so having a name with Heal in it wasn’t too beneficial.

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Nobody will remember my Troll, I was late into vanilla. But maybe someone might remember me from TBC.

Blood Elf Priest, Erandrielle, GM of Sol In Noctem

Thrally, orc warrior, Tavern of the lazy Peon.
Also played a bit on my undead mage Basz mostly in Arathi Basin.


Yo mate! I also played in Nigelheim at that time and I remember your name :slight_smile:
I was known as Peepex, female troll warrior or Heggner, male troll hunter. We did all raids togeather up to some bosses in Naxxramas :slight_smile:

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Hey hey

Dvärg, Tauren Shaman (raiding) and Naglfar, Orc Hunter (only pvp) was my most played back in the days. Was in Nifelheim for all of classic (and 3 more expansions) :slight_smile:

Do remember most of you who replied, so that’s cool i’d say!


Maschalismos - Rogue
Tal/Rivea - Druid
( Mayhem / Phoenix / PewPew / Always Flagged / Silenced / Unsilenced )

Think I’m gonna play Warrior initially :slight_smile:

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Wuushu, Troll, Rogue
Nifelheim, great bunch of mostly swedes, raided a bit in MC and more later on in BWL, however spent most of my time those years in BGs with some of my regulars I hope to reconnect with.

Worm, Shiallia, Xenomorphica, Novamir, Schopie, and many more, hope to see you around!


Artana, Undead Rogue.
Faffed about in classic not really accomplishing much. Did a raid or two with Orcish Delight then moved over to Tavern once the first expansion hit. Probably better known for Reilai in GGOWT.

Heeey! Ofc i remember, was looking at pictures of us in various raids the other day. Sadly everything after a certain date was nowhere to be found. But oh the fun we had! :slight_smile:

Sup Schopie

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iixes /poon/chinook , here we go again nice to see you names schopie and wuushu

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Played on Stormrage during Vanilla on my shaman Qeon, was in the guild Tavern of The Lazy Peon and later in Evolution/Obsidian Guards. Remember Worm wrecking Alliance and Xenomorphica and Thrally as guildmates. I didnt know how to play for sh*t back then so I don’t expect people to really remember me haha. Anyway, good seeing everyone on here, reliving my childhood a bit :slight_smile:

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Sypr - undead rogue
Tavern of the lazy peon / Obsidian guards / pewpew / evolution
Might have ganked some in Ironforge but mostly PVE


Haha, what’s up man

Floris, old resto shaman who started landing his first heals in The Black Horde, Eidolon, Behemoth etc. Toon long ago but still remember first raids in MC w/ Mulen as raidleader.

what server you headed for schop?