Stormreaver (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

Character name: Serenad
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guild: Guilds i made and led: Myths / Never Raid Sober
Other guilds i played in during Vanilla and TBC
NES - Ram - The Core Crew - Laid Back Legends

I dont remember if some of the guilds above were in TBC :smiley:

I remember you! was me and Liftrasa who led Myths back in the day!

Hey. Sorry for late response. I didn’t saw the notification. Ofc I remember you :). I’m doing fine. Currenlty playing on alliance Earthshaker. Zandranite is also there if you rembmer him, And Booyaah is on horde side :wink:

Character name: Thelegend/Toverknol
Race: Nightelf/ Gnome
Class: Hunter / Mage
Guild: Armed

Hoooly …

So many good memories and i found this forum section just now…

Character name: Grace/Dustin
Race: Dwarf / Human
Class: Priest / Rogue
Guild: The Core Crew, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Dark Ritual

Any DRs or BotWs haning out now in retail and classic?

Cheers to all :slight_smile:

This thread seems to be long gone, but hey, let’s try!

Shoutout to my old guildies from Brotherhood of the Wolf and later when we not hc-players emerged to Laid back Legends.
Used to play human pally Vivecah :slight_smile:

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