In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Stormreaver in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Character name: Lalaith
Race: Night Elf - Female
Class: Hunter
Guild: Ragnarok, Dark Ritual, Post mortem
Bnet: munk#2709
Character name: Gerion
Race: Gnome - Male
Class: Warlock
Guild: Brotherhood of the Wolf
Character name: Nightcrawl
Race: Night Elf - Male
Class: Hunter
Guild: Brotherhood of the Wolf
I hope I can reconnect with as many people as possible from back in the day. Hopefully we can all end up on the same server as well.
Lalaith and Gerion already ring a bell 
Some names I remember playing a whole lot with and would be great to see again:
Gompe, Silith, Whitecandy, Gotrex, Abbott, Viperxxl, Ishmanuel
Some honorable mentions that are already in my friends list: 
Khazarak, Gwynn, Morty, Jadystana
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Character name: Rhinoz
Race: Dwarf Male
Class: Warrior
Guild: -
I don’t remember much from these times, i got to 60 a month or two before TBC.
Hey Nightcrawl
Yeah, we used to be class leaders together for awhile I think? So long ago by now. Would love to reconnect with Gompe, Whitecandy, Morty, Skarjj and Ishmanuel aswell.
Do write in here if you figure out a realm where other returning players end up.
Actually that was Jady (I think
). I was never a class leader or officer in the guild.
I was doing all the pulls in raids although I think that was because nobody else wanted that job 
If you want, you can add me to your friends list. Makes it easy to share server info: Sarther#2838
Character name: Luger / Ornamental
Race: Human / Night Elf
Class: Paladin / Warrior
Guild: Never Raid Sober / Reclaimers
Character name: Zandranite
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Guild: sheep / ram / The Core Crew
Character name: Nite
Race: Gnome
Class: Warlock
Guild: ram
Lalaith! It’s your boy Recreate here, do you remember me? 
Character name: Recreate
Race: Human - Female
Class: Mage
Guild: Act on instinct, Post mortem, Dark Ritual
How can I forget ?
Nice to see more people from the good old days
As a note: Anyone can add me as a friend if they like so we can talk more about those days and how people have been since 
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Character name: Haibane
Race: Human - Female
Class: Warlock
Guild: Forgotten Legionaries, Sheep, Ram, Massive (horde)
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zandra <3 hope all well like ever
I just created a toon on Shadowsong and tried adding you. Name is Recreate
I can log in tonight or anytime soon and we can talk!
Character name: Chackle
Race: Human - Female
Class: Rogue
Guild: default / Post Mortem / Rebirth
Played since day one on Stormeaver, would be cool to get in touch with people who played back then! Building a guild atm with a ton of people from UK / Ireland too if anyone needs a home (50 people signed up so far)
Hi Chackle, I think I vaguely remember you…unless it’s because priests have a Shackle spell 
What will your guild be: Horde/Alliance, pvp/pve realm?
Server names are released as well so time to pick one. 
Character name: Khazarak
Race: Gnome - Male
Class: Mage - #1 dps 
Guild: Brotherhood of the Wolf
Character name: Immolation / Herrvoodoo
Race: Gnome - Dwarf
Class: Warlock and paladin
Guild: Brotherhood of the wolf and laid back legends
Battletag: Voodzz#2866
Still been playing with the khazarak, jadystana and gwynn for a long time! Would love to get in touch with the old bunch again . Let’s get the connections going !