Storm's Fury - Make Soloable

Any chance to be able to make The Storm’s Fury able to be soloed? Kinda sucks to go for it for the Taivan mount and it’s unable to be soloed/no groups are up.

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I’ve lost count of the amount of times people are so incompetent with the event… seeing 10+ players around yet they abandon portals letting them activate again. :unamused:

Glad I’m 100% done with the place for all vendor stuff and Rare drops.


Well… Why didn’t people play the game when it was the current content? When they dropped Taivan I only missed 3 easy achievements that I just forgot about xD


Storm’s fury was boring even when it was current. I only did it at the time for the trinkets. I’m not really a fan of the DF world events they’re mostly repetitive and uninspiring. The soup event is kinda unique but also got boring after the 2nd-3rd time.


yes, outdoor events are boring because they are tuned to the bottom feeders - they have to be ez and free otherwise they would swarm forums crying they can’t get gibs.
And that’s why you can quickly complete them and all achievements. I did them over some long period of time to get all stuff from the vendor - then done :slight_smile:

They’re designed to enable lazy sods to leech off other people’s efforts too… such as the Superbloom event and the Traitor’s Dig.

Can’t stand lazy people taking advantage of others…

yep. like u can just tag world boss and afk xD

As far as I know, you don’t need this event for the Taivan mount?
And what part of it should be soloable? cause you can do a lot alone in there.

Not everyone had enough time to play enough to unlock certain things… or played when content was actual.
i barely touched The Forbidden Reach when it was released due personal reasons.

so i had to go back and farm those achievements, where as i had most Taivan related achievements till 95% complete.

For next expansions i will make sure to do more achievement and stuff i dont think are ‘‘important’’ to make sure i dont have to go back and re-farm old content :slight_smile:

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You need it for Closing Time - which is the meta achievement including Time Rifts etc. It just requires you to kill every boss.

I didn’t play when it was current because I was preoccupied with other things, and even if I did I didn’t have a reason to do the event (it was boring). Doesn’t make sense that people shouldn’t be allowed to do achievements because they weren’t playing.


Idk, I could make a group for storm’s fury any time even in further patches :slight_smile:

Yeah and in the OP this is also mentioned - no groups are up. If you make a group and list it in group finder, it’s not unusual to have nobody sign up.

In general, old content (even within expansion) should not require you to have multiple players around to do something. Random rares from old expansion (Argus f.e., I think Shadowlands as well?) needing you to have more people around just to ‘summon’ a rare should not exist once it’s old content.

With Follower dungeons and Warbands introduction in The War Within, I can see a very ‘easy’ fix to this - let your Warband act as players for such instances. I guess it can be tricky to retrofit old content to be soloable, but this would at least use -and- promote new features of the expansion and encourages you to use them.

Forcing people to do achievements on the off-chance that they become relevant for a meta-achievement later on is insanely predatory FOMO design and should never ever exist.

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I wish I had the ability to shoot down other players just sitting on their mounts in the air above Superbloom …


Sure, you can make groups. But who’s to say you’re gonna get people to sign up? It just sucks that you can’t solo it.

“everyone” works on the achieves - why would you not get groups rn???

'Cause nobody wants to do the content when they’ve already got the achievement? There’s no reason to?

I sincerely hope this gets reverted in TWW but I guess if schools dish out gold medals just for attendance then I doubt it.

Aye it is infuriating especially since you know the epic loot box has the potential to drop a piece of gear that could have been upgraded or even converted at the catalyst for that one missing piece of t-mog from one set.

People like to complain, that’s all.
They’ve had all expansion for the achievement^^

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Bad take is a bad take.
Just cause YOU had time early on to do it, doesn’t mean it applies to everyone.
we’re 2024, not 2004 where hard grinds were the norm, people have lives

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I haven’t had any issues. I just throw a group up in group finder and it’s full in minutes.

Maby check the time of day you are trying to play