Stormwind Community Events - 29th of June

The “Stormwind Community Events” is an initiative to provide the Alliance community - specifically those situated in Stormwind, the very heart of the Alliance - a reason to come together and simply enjoy an evening of roleplay with one another. It’s a simple concept where there’ll be bi-monthly (every two months) events hosted for one evening, all centered around a specific theme. These themes will be rotated and some might be changed based on what’s going on in the lore.

The very first of these Community Events will be focused on the victims of the Blood War who find themselves without a home in Stormwind. Those who frequent the streets can see the Darnassian refugees and on the Outskirts of Stormwind there are various campsites where these refugees of war live in. The event will take place on Saturday, the 29th of June.

The second Community Event will be there to promote unity in the Alliance, something that’s been on shaky ground already following the situation in Darkshore. More specifically, however, the focus will be on the Allied Races that have recently joined the Alliance. More information will follow roughly a month before the event which is scheduled to be held late August.

As you can imagine the Community Event following that will be taking place late October. Some time in September more details regarding that particular event will be provided. Here’s a hint, though: craftsmen.

However, seeing as we’re only May the focus for the next month will be entirely on the upcoming refugee event. This will take place in and around the Wollerton Stead, the farm area north of the Stormwind Embassy. In short the idea is to provide help for the displaced citizens of Darnassus through means of donating food, clothing, etcetera… and handing what we have out equally among them, seeking to provide hope even in their darkest time. Coming up with your own, personalised gifts/donations is always nice!

The event itself will start at 8:00PM server time but will not have a set time to end - that is entirely up to whoever’s there. There’s little required to show up other than a willingness OOC to contribute to a healthy environment (that means if criminals want to try and profit from this… go ahead).

While not mandatory at all I’d like to call upon people who may wish to bring some more immersion to the event and show up on night elf alts (or one’s main if they happen to play one!) playing as one of the refugees so there’s people to interact with. It can only create a better experience for everyone involved!

Here’s a little recap for people who just want a quick and concise piece of information about the upcoming event:

  • Social community event with as theme to help the Darnassian refugees happening at the Wollerton Stead.
  • Starts on Saturday 29th of June, 8:00PM server time and doesn’t have a set ending.
  • Donations and handing out said donations will be done throughout the evening, providing plenty opportunities to interact with each other.
  • Volunteers for RPing refugees not mandatory but welcome!

If you wish to help out in any way, do not hesitate to add me on btag (or poke me in-game): Phoenix#2697


I feel that the Darnassian Refugees have been somewhat underrepresented in Stormwind/Alliance RP so far in BfA*, so it’s pretty gucci to see that you put it on the to-do list (I really should have read that Google doc you sent me the other day). I’ll be there on my boy Areo.

*Meletis’ Highborne court aside that is - [A-RP] The Last Court (Highborne gathering & Community)


I’ll be sure to emote * gunshot * and make a great impression on all the poor refugees.

Looking forward to it in all seriousness, though - nice to have SW feel like a living, breathing city as opposed to a nightmarish hellscape!

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Hello there, well, it’s not April so… !!!

This seems really nice, bringing some lore based activity to SW, by Lotheridan whose events are very cool.

Looking forward to it. (of course not on my orc!)

Good luck :heart:


Thanks for the kind words! I can only hope that this is a good step to getting some more bigger and regular events going in Stormwind and get everyone together. So spread the word!


Good to see more public events, as always. If I don’t happen to be working at the date of the first event, I may just swing by on a refugee character!


This looks fantastic - more than happy to lend any help you need.

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I might take you up on that, actually! I’ll poke you in the coming days. :+1:

If I find myself with the time I’ll be sure to show up as a Night Elf.

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This looks great :slight_smile: Not sure if I can be there myself but I’ll spread the word where I can.


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