Those fluffy wolf girls give us a run for our money tho’
But aside them? There is not even a competition!
Dwarves? Gnomes? Pleaaaaaaaaaase
Elves with tentacles…? Okey, don’t underestimate the power of fetish but still…
Nor the boring humans
OC character: kills Burning legion, Arthas, deathwing and stops the cataclysm, saves panda land, goes back in time, destroys legion again, battles Azshara, battles N’zoth, and so on.
OC character: is that a statue of me outside of Stormwind? How thoughtful!
Stormwind guard: no, that’s a statue of Alleria windrunner
OC character: well what did she do that was better than me?
Stormwind: she battled orcs, get lost for many expansions, and came back as a edgy void lady
OC character: …… ok
And me too. I hope one day I have a home.
Night elves could live either inside Suramar or Silvermoon, Better than tents.
Except they’re not from the Horde and have negative relationships with both the Blood Elves and the Nightborne thanks to Tyrande’s talent as a diplomat. They can stay isolated in Hyjal and leave everybody else alone.
We aren’t going to ask nicely to the Sin’dorei or to the Shal’dorei to let us in their city so they can drug us to death with their disgusting magic, we will continue in the Alliance and stay in Kalimdor wich was, and will always be our home.
But where is the beard?!
Lower down
Well said, let the civilised Elves live together in their splendid cities while you keep mating with beasts in the woods
-white noise-
Very sad.
I like to grab one of the random abandoned houses in Eversong woods and pretend it’s mine.
Please cast a bubble around the city and don’t bother us too, and if the legion comes you know what to do, beg them for mercy while we are on our way to save your lives, then you can continue to despise us, why should i care about an opinion of an arrogant Ren’dorei anyways?
Fixed for you, lady
the hero of azzaroth is a homeless hobo how sad …
You mean that piece of rock floating in the void? Hahaha!
…I don’t want to talk about that. I’m not ready to talk about that…
I dont think Alleria is that good of a diplomat either, so i dont think you are seeing the gates of Silvermoon any time soon
Odd that all the “civillized” elves joined the Orcs, trolls and undead. They must hate us that much that they prefer to share a city with those savages than with us, no matter, we dont want them here either am i right?
Umbric is the one I followed, Alleria is delusional when it comes to the politics of Azeroth and careless.
Orcs are beneath us, Trolls are our common ancestors we had no reason left to fight and the Undead are still living in their fallen kingdom. Funny how they’re the only ones who won their home back while you and your dogs are still starving in the streets of Stormwind
Zandalari Trolls have a city of Gold.
Darkspear have a cool and tropical island
Undead live in a sewer, cant argue with that.
And orcs live in a spiky unattractive city. Cant argue with that either