Stormwind is full of homeless people

I hope that in the future,the races that have lost their home,like the night elves,worgen,gnomes will hopefully get a home back


Do not forget all the undead rogues who lost undercity aimlessly killing the AH npcs over and over.


Truly heartbreaking.


What about us? We keep saving this damn world (sorry, “helping” hero NPCs save the world) and we can’t even have one damn room!

That’s it, I quit. Stormwind guards can beat the next villain, I’m on strike


I will share my tent with you… :smirk:

Doesn’t they have their own districts ? Not really homeless if you have a land in there, no matter how small it is.

I’m all for a take back Gnomeragon patch!


The Felhammer is my home!
And we have some nice beds
Could be worse
At least we are not homless refugees on the streets of some Human city

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That’s worldbuilding for the core races, and current Blizzard with Danuser at the helm is clearly not interested in that.

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i was actually homeless IRL for 6 months a while back…

it was one of the biggest eye opening learning curves of my life.

i think everyone should go through it once… as it makes you a lot more humble towards everyday things.

these npc’s losing their cities do not know it yet… but the whole thing will make them stronger in the end.


I agree we gnomes deserve a home again! FOR GNOMEREGAN!




Bloody Night Elves… coming to Stormwind… Taking our jobs and stealing out Women…

How many safe areas did they cross before getting here? Why couldn’t they stop in one of those?


Well, gnomes got now Mechagon, and if you did the last questlines of Calia Menethil, Gilneans will recovery their city soon.

I wish we all will have homes. We at least have the garrison, but its not that personal and does not reflect characters biography.

Furthermore, like Trolls once got their home back, i hope Gnomes, Worgen, Goblins and what ever will get back to their lands and populate their cities. We have a Gilneas city which is basically deserted, or at least it was the last time i was there couple of years ago.

Having less faction conflict and opening each race more options as to where to adventure and what faction they support would open up possibilities for people to get back to their homes.

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Yes it’s all one big lesson for those npcs… :joy:

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Why would they want your (human) women when they have night elf women?

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Or worgen :no_mouth:



all homeless peoples are welcommed to my garrison and all my alt garrison’s aswell :rofl:
i offer work aswell :smiley:

You know Palivar, if you search ugly pictures of any race they will appear.
That doesn’t change the fact that our females are the most attractive in the Alliance.