Stormwind Keep Phasing Issue after Exile's Reach

I have a problem. I have noticed right after I completed Exile’s Reach, when I started Stormwind Intro quest (you can skip it, I didn’t). The problem is that, when I enter Stormwind Keep it phases into BFA intro and all npcs dissapear except those that are phased into BFA intro (Un Urgent Meeting), this quest was removed from the game due to DragonFlight now become default expansion. Nothing seems to work to fix it, I have completed loremaster for all expansions, all intros possible for everything, tried every single tool possible to be able to fix it. The only thing working is quest sharing with someone who don’t have that problem (but it does not resolve my issue).
If anyone else have or had the same problem, what kind of solution did you use?

I’ve read plenty of speculative rants about how to fix this with gameplay but none of them works.
This is a bug from blizzards part, cpt garrick in the throneroom is no longer the endphase of exiles reach and stormwind throneroom shouldn’t have this phase anymore.

Yes, this is exactly what I am talking about, it is kinda impossible to fix by a player.
I have made several tickets and bug reports about it, hope they will fix it soon, because they are alot of people who gonna have the same problem so far, especially new players, who won’t skip Stormwind intro after Exile’s Reach

I got pulled into this question by another query - from a new player who would not be expected to know The Usual Workarounds.

So I blithely set off on a new character to find The Answer.

After smashing my head on a lot of walls, I still have nothing. Maybe for my next session, I’ll look for something else in KT.

Here’s the thread, detailing what I’ve tried. No clues tho

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