Stormwind portal room bug

Ok I just realized that when I use boralus portal to stormwind and when I go out of portal room of stormwind I just cant go back, I go through a portal and slam a wall behind. Anybody have same problems? It happens only on my new 120 DH that I created yesterday and boosted to 120. I did the quest with portal rooms in Boralus and did some Nazjatar questline to get world quests. So what to do?

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If you’re still having issues with the portal, can you please report it as a bug :

Hopefully it’s already fixed though and might just have been related to the boost finalising on your character.


well I bought second boost for this character cause other one might be lost cause they havent restored my lost character so I made another. And yes I still cant go in portal room.

Hey Keishawyen,

There were a few issues with how the boost was working with Class trials characters so you might have gotten caught up in that.

Can you please contact support when you get a chance and we can have a look over that first boost.

Still not fixed tho. I am having the exact same issue right now, I can exit the portal room but I can’t enter it again (I didn’t boost my character).

They prefer you to start your own thread, rather than necroing a thread older than a few weeks old.