Stormwind's Murder walk, every third Friday of the month!

OOC: the murder walk is an event in which Uda takes participants through a city, telling detailed stories of murders, ghosts, and other disturbing Unnatural stories. the location changes each time, but for next week, it will be The Golden Keg(dwarven district Inn). the event will start at 20:00(server time) and will end between 30 minutes to an hour,usually.
I will be happy to answer any questions you have about the event

Uda places a scroll on each community board and every wall in alliance and Neutral cities, Inviting visitors for a drink and a frightening tour of murder stories. detailing the time and place, as well as the general "what to expect " with another warning at the bottom.
the scrolls are written in crimson red ink, and small splatters at the side that resemble pools of blood are noticeable.


A sharp-dressed man with faint traces of fel magic about him, stops and reads the post in Stormwind.

“Murder Walk, eh? Sounds interesting.”

He walks on, concluding his business with various vendors and service providers in town.


So this is today / this evening?

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it is! see you today

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while I hate to always copy-paste this sort of message all the time, the event has been postponed due to lack of participants, hopefully, next month will be better.


Trying this again today?

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yes I am, thanks for the bump


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