[Story] A Candle 🕯

A Candle - Part 1

“I don’t know about you, but I feel it far better to be making a fool of myself instead of making a fool out of others” - Unknown


He wasn’t cold. At least, in any way he had ever felt.

That much was true. But he wasn’t warm either, drifting between what felt like a fever dream and an icy black sleep. Occasionally he’d receive a whack or a shove that would normally wake any mind from the deepest of slumbers, but instead all that came was a sharp pain to his left, his arm. Throbbing and aching, it was a constant bed fellow that always preceded drifting back into the depths of his restraining malaise.

He’d try to rouse himself numerous times but his mind seemed cut off from his body, numb and isolated. He felt pain, he felt exhausted, and with a suppressed hunger nibbling in the background. His dreams drifted to thoughts of Dalaran, an argument in the street with a friend, yes a friend.

Or so I thought? No, he is your friend… he is.

They were talking in the street, in hushed tones, about something important or… hidden? His friend was in trouble. Or was he? Someone had done something wrong, or he’d perceived it without the notice of others. He’d extended his hand to reassure, but in that earnest fragile moment the screaming started.


He had fought, defending a portal, shoving his friend through at the last moment to then–


This forever unwaking moment. He needed to wake up, but didn’t know how. This loop of a dark fitful slumber, only to be subdued by the pain in his arm just as he felt a semblance of what would lead to stirring.

How many hours was it since his last dream? Hiking the side of ironforge mountain, soft rain in Loch modan, or an adventure with the Morod in some far off dungeon. Time had lost meaning when he felt a grip about him, his body surging with pain that he finally felt a rasp escape his lips. He’d not been subdued with that numbing jab in his arm for some time, was he finally shaking loose?

His eyes fluttered. It was instinctive as he felt his face compressed upon. He was inside something but didn’t have light, even if brief enough, to comprehend what. His hands were not bound, but were hard pressed to his sides, locked in place by the lack of space. He tried to turn his head but scarce managed an inch before the onset of motion made him feel feint, swaying left and right. Or was it back and forth?

Sounds were around him, the first thing he had heard in what felt like a life time, voices? Whispers? He wasn’t sure. He didn’t know if he wanted to speak or stay silent–


His body encasing prison assaulted him from every direction, gravity was flipped and seemed to make a dance of its own, ricocheting him from one hard surface to a harder one before coming to a steadily slowing roll. As fast as it had started, it was over, everything was still. He was face down, on the ground. Inside something.

Still. You’re still now, but what to do?

He tried his hands, fingers grasped weakly against what felt like hair, or thread. His wrists were held too tight to his body to be able to scratch or pull, but maybe if he could slowly push them up to his chest?

He turned his head with a rasp, nose and beard rustled against the mesh of the fabric. The material was close enough to smell but had no scent. But was it close enough for his mouth, his teeth, to bite. It was difficult at first, to muster the strength and dexterity of the neck to even bite a thread, but with time and no small bit of wriggling he’d begun to tear out one chunk at a time. His hands were weak, his left arm barely had any strength, but he’d pushed them as far as the front of his neck.

Hours passed, the awkwardness of the method meant his jaw had cramped. The snugness of his imprisonment was also hindering the freedom of his arms but he’d managed to raise them high enough that he could use one hand to pull at the fabric and make steadier, if messier, progress.

Then came the first glimpse of light. A sort of light. A different dark.

It was pitch black outside, beyond the tiny peep hole he had created, he could comprehend the gleaming of shapes but not much else. Such was the depths of the inky shadows beyond the current scope of his vision.

True exhaustion was setting in now, fully awake he could comprehend every ache and pain. His body was bruised, his head probably concussed. And to top it off his upper left arm was numb with pain, from some unseeable wound. But at long last, he pushed his right hand and arm out… then his pained left.

What followed could only be described as the most confusing and ill-conceived emergence of a bearded caterpillar in the history of Dwarven kind. Flopping, flailing, slamming his own chin into the dirt as he kicked his body free. With a push of his good arm he finally managed to push the fabric off with a final huff only to find freedom in a cold, dark world.

It is often said Dwarves see well in the Dark, and it’s true, but only to a point. Even here the old Wizard found himself straining to make out his surroundings. He sat between verges of grass, or moss, or mossy grass that was a strange species between the two. Around him were many rock formations covered in bizarre plants of lilac and dark violet hues. Where he sat was different, it was rocky but worn, a low lulling dirt path or half cobbled road complete even with wheel tracks from carts. To his left was his former prison, so obvious and clear to the mind’s realization now he was outside of it. A webbed cocoon of Nerubian creation. He rubbed his left arm sorely.

They knocked you out, sedated you repeatedly with numbing poisons in the arm then wrapped you up in that for Odyn only knows what.

His vision whirled a moment, hunger struck his stomach and aches from the exertion of escape set on him all at once. His right hand moved to grab his hat and– nothing. He cursed in words only Dwarves knew and the like that made brave Knights wince. His hat had everything in it. Everything.

The pocket dimension within held his staff, his books, his potions, tools, extra clothes… everything. All he had was his tunic, boots and trousers. And rings! Praise be to Khaz, he still had his enchanted rings on his hands…

“–Mmfgh! Mmfff!”

He started, ready to leap to his feet and run but found himself dazed and with backside firmly planted on dirt. He twisted his neck, left and right, seeking the source of the sudden noise. And found nothing, just the midnight fauna and fungi among the crags beyond.

”Mmfmghfh! ghrmmgh!!” it came again.


He turned using his whole body and hazily came to a knee. There it was, writhing and meekly wriggling, a heap of body sized threads.

Another survivor!

He tumbled, on his knees and half on elbows the sum of some twelve agonizing feet and began pulling, ripping and biting at the mess of web that encased his kindred prisoner. One hand, his incisors, the pressing of his boot as he tore with his only working arm against and alongside the person within. Soon enough he had formed a hole big enough for a face to appear, but as yet, none did he see.

He squinted, leaning close, gazing inside the sundered and torn gap he had made in order to gleam the identity of the one he had hoped to help. At first silence, no movement.

“H-… hello?” He asked in hushed tones, leaning closer.

Then a rustle, and a murmur, a shifting of weight within before a shape half in shadow sporting whiskers and a snout revealed all.

“You no take candle, Gnaaah!!!”


You better no take candle, or else they will find you.

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A Candle - Part 2

“Know what the First Dwarf to whack a sleeping Bear on the nose said to his friends afterward? No? Well lad, nobody does - he was too busy screaming.” - Mountaineer Joke


“You no take candle!!” It continued to shriek, swiping and clawing as it forced itself free with a springy leap. If the Kobold was only just failing to end him, the surprise of the situation was now a prime contender as he stumbled backwards onto his back followed by his frenzied assailant.

“You! No! Take! Candle!!” It screamed, and screamed, claw tipped fingers slashing at the air as the wizard guarded his face with his forearms. In the madness he somehow managed to grapple the oversized rat by the wrists, despite the stabbing pain in his wounded left.

“I’m not ruddy trying ye’ mad wee lad!!!”


The old Wizard’s eyes shot a fleeting glance from the face of his assailant to the top of his head.

“–Ye dinnae even have one!!”

The Kobold went wide eyed, its hands finally stopping in their tracks. Even if the Wizard had been half holding them off in meek restraint. Terror seemed to seep into the air as ragged breaths were sucked in and out of small lungs…

”No… CANDLE!?”

”Now ‘ang on a moment Kobold lad, calm dow–”

”AYYYEEE’EEEEeeeekk–!” it wailed, leaping back to its feet to promptly run in circles in a desperate search.

”Where candle!? WHERE CANDLE!? AYYYEEEE–”

Hruroth groaned as he sat himself up by his bruised arms, to watch the furry little thing in its manic movements. First he looked inside the cocoon he had been freed from going so far as to half tear it apart to no avail. Then it patted down and lifted every rock within twenty feet, twice, with no such fortune. Then came the Wizard’s cocoon but that didn’t last long either.

”Where!? Where it go!? No want be eat by darkness!” it continued to bemoan, the Kobold now filled with exasperation and fear. The Dwarf tilted his head in confusion and strange revelation as it occurred to him he may have learned more about Kobold’s in the last 2 minutes than he had in his previous 3 centuries.

”Er… maybe…” He tried, carefully, to interject only to get a fixed glare from the Kobold. Despite this warning glance he continued.

”…Ahem, maybe, try ye’ pockets? Ye keep a spare?” He suggested, with a solemn nod trying to muster the most helpful expression of concern he could. The Kobold snorted, waited, then obliged.

First he patted down the side pockets in his rag tag leg wear, nothing was revealed, save for a length of long string he pulled from one pocket. Then he patted down his back pockets, frowning, but managing to find a lump of greasy … something, and something was all the Wizard could venture as to a description.

Shifting in circles before stopping next to the Dwarf he finally he searched the inside pockets of his thread bare waist-coat. There within he removed residue in lumps and started to grind. The lumps were a shade of golden amber and he hurriedly began pushing them together to form a makeshift stick before adding the ‘grease’. With his waxy lump created he held up the string, then shifted a searching eye to his fellow former prisoner to eye him up and down.

”Mrrgh– I borrow.” It proclaimed.

”Er, borrow what?”

A clawed hand whipped out, pinched and yanked a small clump of hairs from the base of his bearded chin with such neat precision and perhaps practice that for half a second he did not feel it. Unfortunately, he then promptly did.

”ACK!-- ooft… ACH! that stung ye’ wee blighter! Ye have any idea how old my beard is!? Ye’ just yanked out a three hundred year old hair!” He rubbed the spot the clump was removed from, sorely, he’d never shaved in his life and this was a pain he’d never expected to ever feel.

”That big number?” The Kobold inquired, wrapping the hairs around the length of thread he had found to form a more mighty length. Deft fingers weaved and crossed, stitched and pulled.

”Ach– aye, S’a lot. As long as I been alive!” The Wizard grumbled, staggering to his aching feet with a sway.

”Mrrgh– make good Wick then" muttered the Kobold, squishing the gooey amber around the improvised wick, massaging it into a cylindrical blob. A candle, crude, but a candle none the less. With a huff of satisfaction it was promptly matted into the Kobolds fur atop his head.

An Olive branch, maybe…

He couldn’t rightly say why the compulsion overtook him, but they were each victims of the same captors, and that was start enough. And in this strange place, well, it was better than alone. He extended his working right hand, exerting what tiny dreg of mana he could muster and clicked his fingers.

Snap, Fwoosh!

The candle sparked and ignited, A small steady flame erupted and burned with determination. The light was blinding to the Dwarf for a moment, or two, overcoming his night vision before his eyes adapted.

”Graah!? what–” The Kobold snorted and gasped, waving a hand in front of his face and staring upward at the miraculous gesture. Quick as a flash he looked at the old Dwarf, who smiled back with the best sincerity he could.

”What’s your name, Kobold?”

”Mrrgh– me? Me Snart. How you do that?” He gestured from the hand of the Dwarf to the candle, brimming with intrigue. Or confusion, it was hard to tell with that face.

”Magic, lad, magic. Best I can muster righ’ now.” He nodded to himself, lowering the hand.

The Kobold tilted his head, regarding his liberator for a moment with a subdued, calm appraisal before uttering words that Hruroth would soon enough dread to hear.

”Mrrgh… Wick-zard…”

(To be continued…)


A Candle - Part 3

”You get much further with honey over vinegar” - Unknown


”…This Ajj-ghit-hekt…” The Kobold gestured lazily around the chamber, the feint flicker of a fire casting shadow like puppets as his hands moved It was a broad and bewildering space beyond this in fairness, even if the old Wizard suspected Snart was grossly mispronouncing every word.

How far down am I?

His mind raced over it. This ‘super cave’ was bizarre, with its giant plants of midnight, the glow of its star flecked ceiling and not least of all the enormous Nerubian city he had spied upon. Architecture enough to make an Elf weep in envy, all bound and held aloft with silken webs alike but in greater strength than steel cables. Naturally, they had both promptly gone in the other direction until they could travel no more, settling in the hollowed shell like stump of what may have once been kin to an underground tree. All draped and concealed from above and flanked by the giant lilac leaves of a nearby plant, they felt well hidden enough to light a small fire.

”Ouch! Careful!”
”Mrrgh– stay still Wick-zard, or Snart stitch beard to elbow Grhh-heh”
”Bad enough ye squash some mushed up shroom goo into me arm, ye’ got tha’ nerve to pluck me beard for the stitchin!”

And indeed the Kobold had, without much warning or even request he plucked several hairs after he had gathered a variety of local plants. He’d made the salve using rocks to mash them into paste, in particular exploiting a bizarre orange mushroom with a faint glow, reminiscent of ghost Mushrooms…

…I’ll have to investigate them later…

“ACH– that hurt!”
”Shh, stop fidgets, Wick-zard, nearly done, mrrgh…”
“WIZ-ard, not WICK-zard!.. Och!.”

The Kobold snorted in response as he worked a small bone needle he’d found or made, weaving yet another lengthy strand of the old Dwarf’s beard in and out of the flesh on his left arm. The snatching of the hair had hurt just as much as the first time, naturally, and he fretted over infection from the dirty needle. But whatever paste had been applied now tingled into his flesh, cool and relaxing. Snart was even doing a half good job of sewing it up.

…Shame about the other half…

”ACH!! Ya’ blasted wee–”
”Mrrgh, done now, stop complainings.”

The Wizard rubbed his arm as Snart shuffled to the other side of the small fire, the wound where he had been injected was sewn up, neatly. Well, mostly neatly. He considered for a moment why he had been subdued in such a fashion and Snart had not, but put it down to a Nerubian disdain for Kobold and a fear for Magi.

”I… Er, thank you, Snart. I appreciate this”
”Mrrgh, you free Snart, Snart help Wick-zard. Yes.”

He wasn’t wrong, one good act deserved another. It was hard to believe a Kobold could be so civilized and moral, granted it was well after the initial attempt at a face mauling. Snart was focused on the fire for now, adding dried out segments of what Hruroth assumed were some subterranean bushel or plant. His small eyes flashed with glee and intensity as the flames rose, somehow put at ease by the fires presence.

Does he worship the fire? Or fear the dark?

”Where did they grab you?” He interjected and pointed toward Snart, the Kobold flicked his eyes from the fire to the Wizard as he considered the question.

“Mrrgh… by Snarts arms? Then dangle by feet”
”No, not like– as in wha’ place the Nerubians took you from”
”Oh, Wick-zard should just ask that. Mrgh-heh, from Depths, above here, where Stone Machine beards live, yes”
“Stone mach– what?”
”Mrrgh, looking like you Wick-zard, but stone.”


”–Where lad, where is this place they live!?” He pressed, leaning forward, suddenly desperate for answers. The Kobold squinted at him, before looking back to the fire indifferently to stoke its flames with a twig.

”High above, other great chamber, long way. Hard climb, very dangerous” Snart nodded sagely, before tossing the twig he held into the fire as extra kindling.

It’s possible. Very possible. But first we need to get out of here.

”I see…. You know this place or a way out o’it, lad?” He inquired, a glimmer of hope.
”Mrrgh, three ways in, three ways out. All dangerous. Snart only saw one, not safe climb, but no Spiders.”

The old Wizard pondered this. He was not exactly in a fit state for climbing, but then again neither was he much good in any fight. While his arm wound would heal, he could still feel the subduing effects of the poison suppressing his Mana and magical gifts. Sparking a candle was a neat parlor trick, but anything remotely complex like a gravity well, fireball or blink worried him.

You’d pass out or collapse half way through a cast.

”Ye’ want to get out of here?”
”Mrrgh, not want stay. What Wick-zard want do?”
”I want out, lad, reckon ye’ can guide tha’ way?”

The Kobold narrowed his eyes in thought, his small sharp hands brushing down his worn, linen clothes as he thought. And thought.

”Wick-zard has deal”

”Grand! Which way is it?”
”Mrrgh, not know.”


A Candle - Part 4

”Don’t roam where Tigers stalk. Unless your stalking a Tiger, than absolutely roam” - Hemet Nessingwary, probably


”Well, is this it lad?”
”Mrrgh, Is up yes, but not right up, Look wrong. Maybe left or right one, not this one.”
”Left or right one what?”

The Kobold pointed from his huddled position, left, then right.

”Ye’ mean west or east?”
”What is Mmrgh, west or east, Wick-zard?”

The wizard dragged his hand over his tired face. They were huddled by a formation of boulders nestled beside a mushroom capped ridge. Beyond it, the great cave funneled into an upward passage, spiraling into the lofty chambers above. It was a way out, or up, or onward. One of the three, but with more than a singular drawback.

It’s one of three, and surrounded by Nerubians

He grumbled to himself. The Collection of webbed pavilions were literally crawling with their enemy in all shapes and sizes, hundreds in number, an army on watch and at the ready. There was no way of sneaking by it. Especially not with his stomach growling. The journey here alone had been a ragged, exhausting affair with only mashed medicinal mushrooms for sustenance. He wasn’t sure what would kill him first, hunger or the painful abdominal protests.

”Mrrgh, right tunnel very close, left tunnel much far. What want do Wick-zard?” inquired the Kobold, peaking above a boulder. He had grown ever more alert as they traveled, and this vigilance has not dimmed so close to the Nerubians.

”I reckon the close by one, Eas– right, tha’ right one, aye.” Huffed the Wizard, it seemed the most logical choice. Oh what he’d give for a compass, if they even worked down here.

”Then that we do, Mrrgh. Is that way.” He pointed, at right angles to the current tunnel was a winding path up what could be described as a subterranean hill. He sniffed as he gazed upward, the Wizards eyes following.

not far, not far at all…

Snart sniffed again. And again, turning his nose this way and that with slow huffs, eyes slowly narrowing…


He leapt, sideways and backwards like a small rubbery spring! Pre-empting a shape barrelling over the boulder, a mass of fur, spikes and teeth. It was Nerubian, but not like any Hruroth had any seen before. Standing on two legs, it was almost like a new species.

”You no take candle!”

”Filthy rat man! Die!”

The two circled one another, snarling, hissing and gnashing teeth and mandibles alike. The Spider-flea leapt, diving with a quadruplet of arms. But despite its speed the Kobold proved too nimble, even having the Dexterity to whip the monster in the eyes with his scarred tail.

”Sccrreeek! Nasty vermin blinds us!”
”Smelly, spidery, cave lichen licker! Mrghghh!”

Hruroth was not idle, only slow, his normal sprint step long forgotten. He dared not cast a spell for fear of self incapacitation so resorted to what he considered one of the oldest tricks in the book… and threw the sharpest, ugliest, fist sized rock he could.

”Sccreeek! Who threw that–!? Earthen!? Die!” it hissed and snarled, jaws clacking. Preparing itself carefully by bending its knee’s for another springy leap. The rock had done no more than enrage it, bouncing haplessly off its furry flank. Thankfully someone more adept at wielding one was present.

”No take Wick-zard! Mine! Die!” screamed the incensed Kobold, leaping on the back of the Nerubian flea’s head. Sharp rock in hand he began mashing it atop the chitinous skull and eyes of their attacker.

“Screeek! Gnaagh! Off! no–” it wailed and screeched in pain, all four of its arms poorly positioned to grasp at its rodent assailant. Chunks of gore flew, sticky ichor splashed and more than a fair few eyes were caved in before the Nerubian finally collapsed. Beaten perhaps, but with twitching limbs, not entirely dead.

Snart tumbled aside and onto his feet panting.

Hruroth blinked in stunned surprise, and a strange amount of awe at his ally. He never thought a Kobold could have that sort of tenacity in them.

”Mrrgh, we run now”


A Candle - Part 5

”Keep ya’ feet on tha’ ground!” - Bronzebeard Dwarf saying


His hands felt like he’d been dragging them over a coarse whetstone for hours. Though arguably he had been. Mountain climbing was in his blood, something he’d done since a lad of ten winters, knowing full well the toll it takes on the hands. Three centuries now he had scaled every mountain he’d seen, from up the slopes and cliffs of Ironforge mountain to scaling Tirigarde peak, Neverest, Hyjal and even Highmountain. But this? This was getting ridiculous.

”Mrrgh, keep up Wick-zard! Not far now, yes….” came the voice of Snart somewhere above. He’d occasionally glanced at the Kobolds’ swinging tail far but it had grown steadily further away as they had climbed.

”How much further!?” he groaned, hefting his blistered hand and aching elbow to grapple at another rocky hand hold. He moved slowly, because he knew better than to rush, but also because he didn’t have the strength to rush.

”Mrrgh, not far! Soon! Don’t fall now Wick-zard, long way!”

He sighed, time was complicated to track down here. No time piece, no sun, no accurate measure. It felt like hours, many. He would have pressed a guess at maybe half a day they had been at it. They’d escaped the Nerubian patrols soon enough, and an hour into the climb they were out of that cavern and well up into this ascending tunnel. He had no doubt in his mind if he fell now after so long, his body would make a mighty big stain at the bottom.

”Normally Snart, I would have liked to have timed this! Work out my climbing pace!”
”Mrrgh, pace? Ghrmmgh… What is times?”

The wizard scrunched his eyes as he extended his arm and grasped at the next hand hold.

”Er, impossible to tell lad, no sun down here or even a mechanical watch to my name! Could be Midday, Midnight, or any hour between!”
”Mrgh? Midday? Midnights? Time! What is time!?”
”That’s what I said, I have no way’o knowing lad!
”Mrrgh, then why say if not know what TIME is!?”

…He doesn’t know what TIME is…

The Wizard cursed to himself, of course he didn’t know, there’s no sun here, there’s no use for such a concept this far down in the dark.

”Och lad, it’s how we measure the passage o’life!”
”Mmrgh? Kobold just watches the candle melt. All there, half gone, gone, puddle of wax.”

That made his brain itch. That annoying itch between the eyes when a thought buzzes around like a mad little fly. It would pass, but the thought that his companion had a means of measuring time but no true comprehension of it was maddening.

”Right, well, naturally, only propper”
”Mrrrgh, Silly Wick-zard”

His pace was certainly slowing now. Elbows and knees on fire. He was old by Dwarven standards, but he was very much an experienced climber. Sadly this was a marathon effort, and not a short sprint. His knees would be aching for weeks after this. He knew it, they felt it, and both kept going all the same.

The skin on the back of his neck rose.

He froze. Eyes widening, lungs expanding. The stifling, hot, oppressive air of the spider infested chamber below was passing. A current of fresh, clean air washed over. Somewhere new was near at hand. He felt emboldened, a second wind was upon him and he quickly pressed on with this renewal in his body. One hand grasped after the other, his legs pushing and holding him as he worked upwards.

Close, we’re close now

His eyes felt a haze pass over them, a rushing shot of blood from his pumping heart mixed with the surprise of new light. He was blinded, only for a moment, but it was enough. His hand, sore and tender of ligament, fumbled at the grip so as to slide from the outcrop above. His body dropped, all his Dwarven weight pulling downwards while his left hand dug in. Nails, fingers, knuckles and wrist all screamed in pain while his elbow felt the sudden agony of gravity trying to drag his body downward.

”Och– ach!” he yelped, his meak pained voice echoing off every stoney surface.
”Mrrgh, Wick-zard, stop waxing around!” boomed the Kobold above.
”I am not– …ach! Bah!”

Absolutely not, I will not be told off by a Kobold over my climbing skills

With a swipe and a grab from his free hand he soon found a previous hold. Taking the momentary strain of his weight, he had a brief moment to tend and flex his pained arm. But the goal was close now, tantalizing and close. The thin, dim glow of ambient light compelled him to press on.

Just keep up tha’ pressure, keep going.

He got back to where he was, then moved up another spot. A shuffle to the left, a scramble at an angle, a half swing to his right and his hands found purchase on a flat ledge where the gleaming aura that had spurred him on now seeped over.

”Mrrgh, come! up!”

Snart wrapped his small, claw tipped hands around the Wizards hand and with strength he had not expected of someone so small, half pulled the old Dwarf over the ledge and at last to the summit of their climb.


He sprawled on his back, heaving with ragged breaths. The warm glow of ambient light was dazzling and blinding, with so many days in oppressing dark his eyes struggled to adapt for what turned out to be minutes.

He could hear Snart shuffling around, inspecting the immediate area. Sniffing, pushing aside rocks, and leaves–


His eyes opened, blurry shapes began to focus while aching bones and muscle made a slow move to sit him up. This place had a glow indeed, warm and alive. Clean air flowed down toward them from caverns beyond, making long leaf green plants sway and glow in a subterranean breeze.

All about there was life, plants, grass, moss, small bushes. Great cave walls hummed with the glow of fluttering insects, flowers illuminated the high places from rocky outcrops with luminescent buds. Far beyond where he sat he could hear the rush of free flowing water and spy the vast columns of stone that held aloft a mighty cave roof. Between them ran a cobbled road of stone leading to structures of steel, with networks of colossal pipes and towered chimneys.

”Snart lad… where are we!?”
”Mrrgh? This Ringing Deep, this home.”


A Candle - Part 6

”Wax? Wax just about good for anything! Yes, more wax!” - Granny Waxchair


Thunk thunk!!

The door was, for want of a better way of describing it, two planks and a bit of rope topped with a twisted knot for a handle. Despite a lack of hinges, they had knocked on it twice and waited politely all the same. Moments passed as Hruroth surveyed the area around them. The door was cut into the side of a rocky pillar, ascending high to the roof of the depths. To their left down a hill ran an underground river, and to the right was the warming glow of a candle lit settlement. Or a settlement made of candles, both could be accurate.

Shuffling came from inside, that of feet scraping on a rough floor and a second pair with heavy strides, all accompanied with grumbles and complaints in low tones.

”Erk– what want!?”
”Is snart! Open door!”
Snart!? Where been!?”

The shuffling grew closer as the sound of scratching and a grunt came from the other side of the ramshackled door.

”When count three, step right, mrrgh”
”Er, three? Why–”

The door swung open. Or rather swung down as whoever pushed it open dropped it like a chainless drawbridge. This would not usually be a problem, but the lack of both one and two, combined with his outright exhaustion meant the damn thing nearly took the old Wizard’s face off as he instinctively leapt back.

”Ack! Ye’ could have warned me!”
”Mrrgh, did warn! …Silly Wick-zard…”

The dust from the collapsing entry way settled steadily, and a small rounded figure stood in the entrance, a pair of wide candles flickering atop its head.

”You late for dinner! Many candles melt while gone! Stew long cold! Bad Snart!” the figure stuck a crooked, claw tipped finger out at Snart accusingly.

”Mrrgh, sorry Gram-Gram. Mrrgh…”
”You look pale, eat enough hmm– why with Earthen?”

Hruroth blinked at the question, regarding its asker. The Kobold was female, he suspected, judging by the large dyed pink ‘dress’ made from an old sack. But she was old, very old, withered and bent at the back with age. Her gray hair and gray eyes were strong hints, but her lack of teeth made it entirely obvious.

”Him Snart friend, mrgh, save snart life from from Nerubs, is Wick-zard”
”Wick-zard!? Oooo… fancy. Come, come! Come in!
”Er, oh, aye, thank ye’ very much–”

It was then Hruroth spotted the OTHER Kobold, barring the doorway. A great, looming shadow some seven feet tall and bigger than many ogres.

By tha’ Titans!

It was without a doubt the largest Kobold he had ever seen, or heard of. Wearing a ragged tunic of light blue, with scruffs of pink hair bound up in ponytails at the side of its head, holding a small worn doll in one hand.

”Mixil, pick tired Wick-zard Earthen up, put on couch, him rest”

Soft but somehow terrifying steps that lumbered approach, as the child-giant Kobold extended a hand to grab and lift the Wizard.

”Actually madame I’m quite alright to walk– Ach!” he tried to muster before he was yanked off his feet and cradled like a child all the way inside. The hovel inside was cramped, a cave with small twists and turns that had been etched out by hand. Small pockets housed stacks of lit candles, others had leaky barrels, and at its heart was a makeshift kitchen, with a cauldron and thread-bare ‘couch’. It was this same couch he was dropped on with a thud.

”Good earthen, mrk, yes, hrm.”

The child-kobold patted him on the head as if he was a doll too, before sitting down at the other end of the couch. His end promptly rose some two feet in the air under her generous size.

”Snart, sit! Sit from Gram-gram, make new stew, you eat this time, yes, get strong”
”Mrrgh… Yes Gram-Gram”
”Good, yes, you listen to Gram-Gram, here drink!”

The wizard found a clay jar of some boiling amber liquid thrust into his hands before he even had time to question it, three Kobold faces staring at him expectantly.

…Oh dear…

He gingerly raised it to his lips and sipped. A fiery hot taste filled his stomach, his throat and body. He almost felt the weariness evaporate from him entirely in an instant as his senses were lifted. Cinnamon? Honey? Herbs and… whiskey? He didn’t know the rest of the ingredients but it shocked him to the core and promptly found himself chugging half the mug and licking his lips, eager for more.

”Tha’s ruddy grand stuff! Me thanks, madam!”
Yes, yes, old Waxmothers recipe. Hmm Gram-gram Waxchair make long time. Oh yes, long time, are welcome.
”Mrrgh, thanking you Gram-Gram

The elderly Kobold grandmother gave snart a ruffle on the side of his head, briefly pausing to inspect his candle with tired eyes. She soon brandishes two more from inside her tattered tunic and lit them with Snarts first, meshing them into his scalp.

”hmm, candle get low, now have three. Where Snart go next?”
”Wick-zard want find purple friends, them call ‘Curtain-door’, crash in over land.”
”Over land? Ooooo fancy…”
”Actually ‘ets ‘Kirin-tor but’ aye I’d like to find–”
”They come and go, week ago. Go left to Shiney place.”

They’re alive!

Gram-Gram stirred her cauldron while nodding matter of factly. Ladelling some strange stew into a set of clay bowls. The smell was confusing and the old Dwarf couldn’t quite place the aroma.

”Well, me thanks, I suppose I best follow on ‘left’ and find them in this er… shiny place?”
”Oh yes, shiny, big shiny, through tunnel on right once left enough.”

The Kobold sense of direction and navigation continued to confuse the ever titan loving heck out of him. But wherever she meant, he would have to go.

”Now, Wick-zard, you save Snart yes?”
”Er, I suppose I did, aye?”
”Then Wick-zard get reward, wait here!”

The elder Madame Kobold disappeared behind what could be described as a curtain hung above a corner of the cave-shack. She shuffled behind it and began to create such a ruckus, the noise of shifting metal, thumping boxes and rummaging amongst various unknown items.

”Ah-ha! I find!”

Oh Titans save me!

She returned, holding what looked like a bucket with half the side cut away. On what would of been its bottom was stacked three jade-green, lit candles. She promptly plopped it on his head and adjusted it with fussing hands.

”Madame! Lass– easy!”
”Mrrgh, suit Wick-zard, Heh”
”Yes yes, is good, propper Wick-zard now, keep Darkness at bay.”

The old Dwarf adjusted the swing handle which was now an impromptu chin strap. He worried what anyone would think if they ever saw him like this. But quickly discarded it, Snart had saved his life, this was their world. And most importantly, he was a guest.

”Och… ta, Madame”


A Candle - Part 7

”Many and winding are the roads to home, so it’s usually better to fly” - Wildhammer saying


”Mrrgh, is just rock!”
”Anything is just anything lad, but this will be somethin’ special! Just like the others!”
”Is just rock! Just like others!”

Snart pointed a finger accusingly at the small stone Hruroth held in his hand, then flapped his own with exasperation, clearly at wits end with the explanation he was being given. Despite seeing magic previously and dubbing the old Dwarf by his new title of Wick-zard, Snart had a terrible time comprehending that magic did in fact work, or even exist…

At least my Magic is returning

The pair had been walking for hours, north west by his judgment, or ‘left until it becomes front and then front some more’ as the Kobolds would apparently remark. The winding roads and paths of these depths had strangely been a kind reprieve. SPires of stone from ground to roof, verdant thickets of leafy greenery, trickles of clear blue rivers leading to ponds and subterranean lakes. All by the glow of flittering luminescent flowers and moths.

Strangely beautiful.

Thankfully snart’s grandmother had fattened them up, kitted them out and granted both ample flasks of that strange fiery honey drink, putting a positive spring in the step. The pains and aches that had plagued the old Wizar’ds body had gradually begun to fade, and whatever healing properties this elixir had was steadily washing away the melancholy that had been thrust upon his mana reserves. Magic was very in his grasp once more, albeit tentatively, hence the rocks.

Snart had even been put on weight, his belly now no longer rake thin, but borderline flabby. On his back he sported a homemade backpack filled with supplies and food stuffs while in his left hand he carried a makeshift spiked shield built by nailing screws into a keg lid. He was every bit the image of the adventuring kobold, supplied, armored and complete with shanking rock hooked on belt.

Thank tha’ titans he aint comin after me!

Though he suspected his patience was only maintained by the presence of the bizarre candle hat the Wizard now had on his head. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, being half a bucket topped with three strange green candles, but by the light it was Cozy. And even handy in dark nooks. He only ever took it off to sleep which earned him a grunt of dissatisfaction from Snart.

Not as fashionable as a Wizard’s hat, but it’ll do down here.

He held up one of the pebbles he had found and been working on since early that morning. Turning it between his fingers as he strode down the road, admiring the glimmering smooth surface and ripples of colour. It was filled with waves of dark, almost gold like yellow woven into tones of jet and imperial emerald. But that wasn’t the best of it, on one side he had used materials he had found here, imbuing an arcane shape with his mana and the energy of the local fauna and minerals. He had made a rune stone.

And a mighty one ye are too.


”Mrrgh, stop admiring fancy work Wick-zard, what rock meant to do mrrgh?”
”Well Snart lad, all rune stones are governed by the shape of tha’ rune on ‘em, and this one does something rather fancy indeed”
”yes! But what it do?!”
”’ere, watch this–!”

The Wizard pulled his hand back and threw the stone into a collection of leafy bushes by the road, with a ricochet and a clunk it landed hard then erupted. Not fire, not crackles of arcana, but a blast wave of frozen air, frost and rime. Dirt, moss and leaf were frozen solid as a cascade of brief flakes of snow flung up and fell all about.

”Mrrgh– Scrrgh!?” Snart yelped at the sudden shock of the moment…
”That’s what they do.”
How do!?
”Magic lad, I told te’.”
”No make sense! Mrrgh…”
”Sort o’ does, sort o’ don’t”

The Wizard nodded to himself, gently patting the make-shift pouch on his belt. Inside were filled a dozen more, some the same and others with alternative and equally potent purposes. He took a swig from his flask, the fiery kobold concoction put a heat into his lungs and purpose in his strides.

”So… Wick-zard put magic in rock, so rock becomes magic?”
”Er… Aye, more or less, ye’ got it lad”
”So Wick-zard keep magic for later?”
”Now ye’ get it”
”…Mrrgh, crafty Wick-zard…”

Snart continued to grumble. He had grumbled all the way from his Gram-Gram’s hovel, and all the way to the strange but wondrous mechanical town of Gundargaz. There they had learned of the movement of refugees from Dalaran, the comings and goings of adventurers and most importantly that Dalaran was no more. That had cut the Wizard deep, yet he had quickly grown numb to it, focused only on knowing what had become of the Kin he had flung through the portal and friends among the Kirin Tor.

And then SNart had resumed grumbling.

From the descond they departed, all along the way North west through winding roads passing underground oasis, and lastly around dilapidated industrial zones to here. He had strangely grown to enjoy his company, he had in a sense a way of cutting through the mess of conversation to get swiftly to the point. And he was also very good at bludgeoning or shanking any strange beasts that approached the campfire while they slept.

And that’s ruddy invaluable.

For the last hours they had navigated what were half abandoned Earthen forge grounds, minding shafts and long forgotten refineries. The size and scope was bewildering, enough to make any Dwarf of Ironforge pale and gasp with awe.

”Mrrgh, we nearly there”
”Aye, been this way before?”
”I Smell it, Wick-zard, clean air from up there.” The kobold pointed.

A great stone archway loomed on their left, up the path. It had to have been twice the size of the gate of Ironforge and yet with no door to bar it. All around it were the grand arches of Earthen construction, solid and immovable even to the onslaught of time.

You could feel the cooler air flowing through it from beyond, sweet and invigorating. He hadn’t realised how stuffy these depths had been with all its mechanical industry, or how oppressive the air in Azj’Khaet truly was. But wherever they were going it was more hospitable.

They ascended the great stone steps from the road slowly and with caution in order to pass under the immeasurable archway. The statue of Modimus in Ironforge would have seemed a half Dwarf if tried to stride below, such was its imposing scale. Stepping beyond they were met with a magnificent view, first felt through the warm ambient light hitting every surface.

They gasped in unison as they looked on a land of outstretched cliffs and grassy paths, separated by high canyons of flowing water. Far in the distance sat tall structures that looked almost Human, towering like Cathedrals reaching ever upward eagerly toward that which illuminated this whole cavern.

”Mrrgh, too shiny”
”Och, just a bit–… By Muradins bronze gonads! The heck is that!?”

A stunning light emanated from a glowing crystal piercing the cave ceiling high, high above. Its size was hard to judge but its distance yet immeasurable enormity gave the Dwarf the impression it would make Mount Neverest sweat. Strange shapes ran across its surface, patterned and orderly yet natural and warm. Its light was mesmerizing.

Mrrgh, how turn off?
I dinnae think it works like tha’ lad…

And almost as if prompted, its surface rippled. Shafts of light within it contorted, and twisted. Like the cascade of a thousand dominoes striking each other down,flecks of dark intent formed and turned the whole thing the darkest of violets. The Wizard’s beard hair stood on end, sending a chill of terror to his heart. Snarts whiskers stood out straight as he went wide eyed with fear. The land was bathed in darkness, oppressive and cruel. The Hills came alive with the silence of a thousand hungry, watching eyes.

Mrrgh, turn back on! Turn back on!
Tha’s now how it works! RUN!!


A Candle - Part 8

”Darkness bad, always keep candle lit! Not look in Darkness, or Darkness look back!” - Kobold teaching


”Bad Uni-corn! BAD! Stay dead! Mrghh!!”
”It IS ruddy dead lad!”
”Must be sure!”
”Ye’ bludgeoned its head off with a rock, it’s dead! Now come on!”

The pair departed the mess that Snart had made of the bizarre one-horned Horse. Where one moment they had been charged from nowhere by a frothing, shadow draped animal, the next snart had made handy work of it and left a body with a bleeding stump in their wake.

With a rock! A ruddy rock!

They hurried along the dirt paths, as the thickets and outdrops around them awoke with bestial snarls and the gasps of evil things best not described. The Wizard’s back hair stood on end, while his beard hair tried to slip its bonds and escape from its decorative loops through sheer force of static terror.

”Mrrgh! Where we go!?”
”I ‘ave no idea! Quick down ‘ere!”

Half dragging and half pushing his rodent companion, the old Wizard led Snart down a side path away from the main road and growling thickets. Their feet hammered on the dirt track as the ground to the left became a sheer rocky cliff and on their right opened a vast space, below ran rivers among ravines and crevices with a great underground lake beyond.

Oh Titans! It’s everywhere!

The vastness of this cavern was awash with chaos. The great crystal looming in the distance thrummed with hate, its mass now become a beacon to summon evil. The growls of Animals, hissing of shades and the shrieks of victims far off. They needed a place to hide, to go unseen.

”Mrrgh, cave! Cave! In cave Wick-zard!!”
”Wait hang on we dinnae know what be in there–”

Snart grabbed the old Wizards hand and dragged him along, his rodent feet filled with speed and purpose as he bounded forward. At the bottom of the slope right hand decline was the bend of a river while on the left loomed the open mouth of a cave that hollowed deep into the side of the rocky cliffs. Immediately they swept up in the inky black of the hollow, Snarts three candles and the Dwarf’s two proved luminous but unable to fully cast off the dark of the place. Swiftly they pressed their back to the cave wall and tried to recover their breaths.

”Mrrgh–hff… see, hff…Darkness! Nasty hff…crystal”
”Heh-hoo… I doubt tha’ be… heh… how tha’… hm, works…”
”Mrrgh hf– is dark, is how hff!”

Beyond the cave the commotion was now lessened, but the sounds from within began to come into focus. The cool rush of a small breeze blew through the cave mouth, while the drip and drop of water rhythmically patterned on a pool.

Drip… Drop… Drip… Drop… Drip… plap… plap…

The noise changed, Snart noticed first. His Kobold eyes staring into the space beyond. The drip of water was now bouncing off of some new surface that seemed to be moving, with water slickened steps.

Drip… plap… drip… plap… … … plap…

A shape formed in the darkness, tall and imposing, with sharp jutting edges and a head tilted in opportunistic curiosity. Snart moved first, growling as he brandished both his sharp stone dirk and improvised buckler. But where there was one presence, a second stepped out behind it.

And a third–

”Mrrghh! Nasty’s no take candle!”

Snart flew at them, waving his knife and slashing wildly, the dark shapes parting and avoiding his attacks as they slowly surrounded the pair. Hruroth fumbled his way to his rune pouch and grabbed the first one he could, not yet knowing what it was or what it would do. His arm drew back and flung!

”Snart! Down!”
”Mrrgh– Not in face Wick-zard– Gnagh!”

The Kobold shrieked and leapt back as a limb mired in the dark swiped over his candle lit head, the light revealing a webbed hand tipped with claws. As soon as Snart’s feet touched the ground again the rune stone made contact with water slick flesh, bursting into a momentary inferno of arcane flame.

”Mrrghhaaaallghh!” its pained and panicked shrieks filled the cavern as Kobold and Dwarf fled out the cave mouth, back into the other dark. It may have only been a brief moment of light by magic fire, but that moment was long enough for Hruroth to see all he needed of their attackers.

Light preserve us!

The beast he’d struck was man shaped, large for certain, but no man could be formed of such vicious features. Webbed hands and feet attached to black glistening skin and a head filled with razor sharp teeth flanked by gills. Thankfully the flames had done enough to send it shrieking back into the abyss of the shadows but others now began striding toward them as they exited.

”Wick-zard! Look out!”

He turned back to face Snart only to find a webbed claw striking him up the chin and sending him flying and reeling onto his back. Grey beard hairs and a splat of blood hit the ground much as did his head. A heartbeat, a moment, two passed as he heard muffled yelling in ringing ears. His chin burned with the new wound as stars circled his throbbing head.

Get up!

He forced himself to an elbow and instantly gasped in pain, his eyes blurrily focused. How hard had he hit his head on landing? Every bone and ligament screamed in protest as he eyes sought the source of the commotion.

”Wickzard! Help–!!”

Snart shrieked and begged, he was being surrounded. Up from the river had come three more of the cruel fish men. Each holding a jagged coral scythe as they circle. The Kobold had already been cut, now hiding a wounded hand behind his shield as he tried to fend off the swipes and attacks. He was hopelessly outnumbered and tiring.

”H-hold on lad!”

He had no weapons, nothing sharp or blunt. His age was against him and he’d already gotten wounded. Magic could work, but he was still unsure if he could muster the mana to be of much use. He dragged himself to his feet, he lacked mana but he still had magic, his body now acting on instinct over any rational thought. His hands moved to the bag of Rune stones at his hip then threw them all on the ground around him.

Red, blue, yellow. The weave of colored symbols thrummed with energy, shapes of all kinds a testament to the oldest magic there was.


His mind and hands reached out, the stones sparked as the arcane energy’s reacted to his influence. He tapped into their stored power, the spells pre-prepared and focused every one of them into one spell, the only spell he needed. They rose, thrumming with power ready to be released.

”Snart! DROP!” he yelled, and for once Snart did exactly as he was asked. The Kobold threw his body flush against the ground while their vicious foes span to face this new danger. With a murmur of arcane words and the twist of one hand and the thrust of another the Wizard threw all the magic he could forward into a singular beam of searing hot fire.


Their foes gargled and screeched with fear in words he could not understand as he dragged the beam from his right to the left. The beam of flame shifted with the movement of his hand, cutting down one, a second, decapitating a third and sending the rest fleeing back into their murky river in panic.

”You did it Wick-zard! …Wick-zard?”

The old Dwarf’s vision started to spin and he felt the magic of the spell pitter out. The world turned on its head as he fell backwards onto the earth. This time there was no jagged pain of rock striking his spine, the ground simply met him as if he was slipping into a cold bath. All he could see was turning black and sounds faded into echoes.

”Mrrgh! Wick-zard breathe! I get help!”


(I don’t want to interrupt the flow, but this is so, so, so good! Riveted!!)

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A Candle - Part 9

”If you hurt everywhere from beard to toe, it means you’re alive, and that’s something to be thankful for!”


”Now I really must insist on removing it if we are to check his bandages”
”Mrrgh– no take candle!”
”Ye gads! I’m not taking it! You hold it, I just want to check his skull!”
”Why want check, poke brains? Strange Sauce-hurr-er”
”That is– It’s Sorc– …no! I just want to check he is healing!”
”Then just say that Saucy-her!”
”…By Antonidas…!”


Everything hurt. In particular the back of his head, with sharp throbbing pains running down his neck. He could not muster the strength or nerve to move, bar the gentle movement of his fingers or the weak flicker of his eyelids as he tried to open them. No, he would have to rest still and suffer.

”I say mister Snart, I think he’s coming too!”
”Mrrgh– maybe just leaky gas escape from dead Wick-zard?”
”Och– I be alive…! ugh…”

He felt his right eyelid fumbled at with a pair of fingers, before being gingerly pried open. The Light was painful, not for its glare, but the shock to his nerves and aching head. His body screamed for him to swat whoever’s hand it was away but they would not work. His vision focused, straining, to see a blurry face full of purple features. A curly purple moustache, a fuzz of purple hair atop a nearly bald dome, and thick purple robes marked by a silvery eye.


”You gave us quite the fright old friend!”
”Mrrgh, see, Snart said he be fine, have candle”
”You just said he was exerting escaping gasses in death–”
”Yes, was all candle, is why safe Mrrgh”

Hruroth knew this gnome and his fascination with purple. They had been friends since the war of Northrend where they both had become Initiates in Dalaran. Through lengthy lectures, boring classes and through mischief in the bars and underbelly of the violet city.

Gillig Brandyboom!

”Och… Gillig… urf, where am I?”
”Stay still my friend, you are safe in an infirmary in the town of Mereldar.”
”Shh, easy friend, you must not move and there will be time for answers later. But you are safe, there are many Kirin’tor survivors here also.”

His head reeled. They had finally made it, finally. Not in one piece, but they had found the others. The Kirin’tor were not done. And though on reflection he would think nothing of it, his present concern immediately went somewhere he would not, at that time, expect.

”…Urf, Snart lad, ye’ okay…?”
”Mrrgh, Snart fine Wick-zard, you slice nasty fishy men in bits, little cuts, all fine.”
”Yes, master Snart found one of our road patrols and brought them to you, you left quite the mess of Kobyss parts”

Hruroth finally managed to open his eyes fully, setting them on the aged nodding face of Gillig, standing side by the right of the small bed. Snart was, in hindsight, predictably sat next to him on the bed defending his candle hat from the strange Sorcerer. Light only knows how they managed to get him to allow the bandaging of his head.

”Rest assured, you are quite safe here, our hosts protect this settlement and borders well! Now, I will let you rest my friend, you’ve been on quite the adventure!”
”Mrrgh, yes, you go, no take candle!”
”I don’t want the candle!”
”Shh… shh… please, the noise…”

Hruroth felt a gentle patting from a small hand on his shoulder. A reassuring gesture as Snart settled down. He was protecting him as he recovered.

”Right… yes, very well! I’ll be off. We’ll talk in full tomorrow Runebraid and get you home safe soon enough. Rest well!”

Gillig bowed his head and turned, parting through the great oak door. His eyes settled lazily, barely getting a glance of the room before his lids closed. It was small, but warm, with its own fireplace and a window where a strange glow from the unmoving sun gleamed though. But he knew that was no sun, only the strange crystal now returned to its lighter form.

…And thank the actual light for that…

”Mrrgh, you get better Wick-zard?”
”Mmf… I’ll try’ lad, I’ll try…”
Snart grew quiet for a moment, the pat of his paw on bruised shoulder grew still as his breathing slowed with some apprehension. Something was on his mind, and troubling him.

”…you go home now?”
”hmm… Probably lad… once I’m better…”
”Snart want Wick-zard to stay”

Snart had spoken the words matter of factly, as if there was no sense arguing against it and any opposing idea was pure folly. Then his hand ruffled the old Dwarf’s shoulder.

”Och… lad… I…”
”Shh, Wick-zard sleeps. Snart keep candles safe from Darkness, you sleeps.”

He felt his body slip into a cozy paralysis, his mind falling into a welcome dark ready to be whisked away on a dream, any dream. Finally for once without fear or apprehension, terror or foreboding, he could embrace true sleep.

”Mrrgh, yes, sleep now, good Wick-zard….”


A Candle - Epilogue

”When the dark is all you know, and hope is forgotten, you may be surprised to find a good friend shines brighter than any star.” - Hruroth Runebraid


Mint. It was cool and refreshing, a flavour he associated often with home, mainly in thanks to the Gnomish parlour he bought it from in Ironforge. The small flecks of chocolate were an added jot, dark and flavorsome among a sea of light green hews. He would never have thought to seek it so readily once they had arrived, but the pop-up kiosk practically demanded his immediate attention, it was the taste of freedom.

…Mmm, Mint-choc chip Ice Cream…

”Mrrgh, Mf– Wick-zard …hmgh… Mrf… Want more later… mrf…”
”Aye, if we come back this way. Lot o’city to see.”

Snart was eagerly licking away at one of three large lemon scoops topped with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, all on a sturdy cone specially made for the coarse hands of the local Earthen.

The city of Dornogal was all around them, immense, wondrous and mighty. Its stone towers, turrets and magnificent features would make any stonemason wilt in awe. He could spend days, and weeks exploring this place, but his heart had been called too and instead they sat now with their feet dangling and swinging over a different kind of wonder. The Ice-cream was just a nice bonus.

…I could sit here forever…

Far below them it fell away, into the impossibly far depths, the Coreway. It was a mind bending testament to the industrious skill and efforts of the Earthen, but a keener reminder of just how far they had come. From the deepest pits of despair in Azj’kahet, to the humble home of Snarts Grandmother in the steely ringing depths. And not least, the blinding sight of Beledar in Hallowfall. Now this monument of a city, pulling at his heart strings.

The trip up had been confusing if mesmerizing, and he still couldn’t quite fathom how a mini-zeppelin could navigate the tunnels like that. It was like physics had gone for a walk and forgot to tell anyone, such was the pilot’s skills in navigation. But they had arrived in one piece, just as Gillig had guaranteed.

”Mf… Mmrgh, when you go home Wick-zard?”

”I, erm…”

Hruroth paused, furrowing his ancient bushy brows in thought. He had not anticipated the question at all, but on reflection of their time together he should have.Tthe Kobold had become very attached to him, possessive even. Defending him at every turn when needed, and even when not.

Lets not forget him threatening to shank the ice-cream vendor!

”Snart lad, you do know I cannae stay forever righ’?”
”Mrrgh, can stay as long as want. Wick-zard want stay?”

”Ye’ make it sound easy! I have family, friends, kin an’ responsibilities…”
”Then Snart come with Wick-zard, Mrrgh, easy see.”
”Ye’d leave just like that? Ye’ could go back to the ringing deeps right now!”
”Mrrgh, only thing in deeps is darkness, grouchy candle king and fussy Gram-gram”

The old Dwarf glanced down into the Coreway, its towering stone sides plummeting into the distant depths. He could in a way see why Snart didn’t want to go back, and maybe why he’d want his new found friend to stay. It was a world of peril below and a mage… no, a friend was precious.

”I don’t know lad, I need to see me Nephew, find tha’ friend I lost in Dalaran…”
”Mrrgh, whatever Wick-zard do, Snart help, stay or go.”
”Lad I…”

He had to fight back a tear, his voice cracking with emotion. He’d become friends with a Kobold! He could never have imagined it in a thousand, thousand years!

”…–Wait, wait, does that mean I can take tha’ candle hat off if we leave?”
”Mrrgh, no Wiz-zard! You keep candle!”




(11/10, no notes, all of my Feels, how very dare ;_; Thank you. Wonderful)

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I’m glad you enjoyed it! :man_mage:


Wick-zard tell great big story, make Bealen feel.
Bealen feel need to find Wick-zard Icly sooner than later. :heart:


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