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High Elves are so disgusting :face_vomiting:

Ahem, your character was one…oh, and mine, hmmm…

Come on guys that comic was marvelously bad xD It’s like “the room” of comics. :laughing:

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Haha, I didn’t even read it, I couldn’t get past the few first panels because the art style was so terrible. Plus I’m not a comic-reader anyway, I hope that Blizzard will just stick to novels for lore sources apart from the game itself.


Also, I couldn’t care less about Nightborne/Void Elves. I find Void Elves stupid because they don’t belong in the Alliance with their Void-addiction, and Nightborne were supposed to not exist.

I’m fine with Blood Elves and Night Elves.

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Auuugh, Don’t. I finally saw that film for the first time this year. Oddly at the same LARP system I mentioned earlier (Obviously on the night before Time In), the rest of the weekend all the Orcs were subtly making references to it. Any time we left a meeting it was “I have to go now”

That film is just hilariously bad.

I’d totally watch a movie with Sylvanas it had such a terrible acting.

“I did nat burn tree, It’s bullshiet! I did naaaat! - O hai, Varok”

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jsdfjs weirwofds woeriwpoe!!!


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Well, they were established at least…
But I myself can’t get myself to like any elf race (that I know)… there is always that element of unearned power, and intuitive understandig about them… which just rubs me the wrong way.

Though I liked the BC Blood Elves, where that theme was turned on its head and instead of the powerful and beautiful we had the broken ones, who were only too aware of their fall from grace…

Why must you torment me so, with reminders of a film so bad that it was even worse than films my best friend buys just because they are -awful- films and subjects me to…Trust me, never watch “Devils of War” or “White Tiger”. I mean that latter one was so bad that he even threw the CD away, far away, in case he ever got so drunk he decided to watch it again…


iuhgyu[jyf7 uguhfu uygpoiipvyguhj[[ugj


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If you have the time, take a moment to watch “Disaster Movie”, which is arguably one of the worst movies ever produced. I still don’t know whether to take it seriously or watch it ironically.

me irl

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I’ve seen that Death scene one before, that is stupidly bad. Devils of War is the same tier of acting, I’ll see if stooped forums let me post a link.

If not, just Google it “Devils of War Trailer” and you’ll see how bad a movie can be…

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A certain guild who wanted to represent a Lore organisation based in the Cathedral who shall not be named absolutely tried it, though.

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I don’t wanna know, I am a Light-fearing honest paladin. This was enough.

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As nobody has mentioned it yet, I feel like Birdemic deserves a so-bad-it’s-funny-in-a-way shoutout.

Seriously, watch it. Or, well, actually just watch the Johntron video on it. Hilarious.

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This is my favorite death scene

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Hah, I know the ones you mean, I don’t think they are exactly taken seriously by most RP’ers on AD though. Oh they tried it, but yeah, they’re just pretty bad…

Apparently I can post links now. Click it! Click it! You know you want to!



kjwer sfjfdeowr qwo dsaf xD

Malfurion vs Xavius confirmed.

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