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Er elweys se my lerv ter be er errow in her quiver, ey?


Guys I tried out feral again. I have to say that the spec feels like a bad rogue. In Legion I loved this Spec. Blizz, what have you done?

Actually they are pretty solid, for me. They do deliver a big cat fantasy pretty good. Damage is great and healing even betta!

Do you played them on 120. I saw many threads which complained about feral and I have to say that they’ve all reason to do it.

Yeah people complain about Outlaw, but I pull more damage then Assa with Outlaw and its way more fun to play.

And I watch Arena 1vs1 duels on youtube time to time and some ferals are performing very solid. They are hard to kill.

Their dmg and gameplay sucks. Nobody would invite you as feral in a M+ Group and that’s a fact. They’ve literally no aoe, none toolkit, no dot dmg (even if it’s like dot class). It seems that I have reroll to boomkin. At least they’re viable.

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Oh PvE I have no idea, sowwy!

Have to play Assa again to feel real power! I still hope that they will give the kitty a second rework this expansion.

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Just got Daelin’s signet ring on my elven rogue. Take that Arctur!


Is this how you speak to your Loa?


But I am offering it to him, such a gift would be pleasing in the eyes of the exalted one!

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Stop insulting Loa, that joke lasted way too long.


Who cares dude, It’s just a ring. You’re not even Kul Tiran, while my character is, and she also wears the Kul Tiran Heritage Armor, which very few players have.

I love you too, great Loa.


Indeed, Gawk-Gawk is a jealous mistress…


I wonder why only a few players have it :thinking:

Because Kul Tirans remind people of what they are in real life, so most Alliance players gravitate towards female Humans, female Draenei, female Void Elves, and female Night Elves.

Wait a second. A female human looks like a female human in real life? I rarely meet people which looks like Kul Tiran.

So your logic is that Kul Tirans are a bad race because they are not very popular? Ha.

Just not very… attractive.