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You cannot handle my peaceful ways!

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Didn’t you want to level up this alt recently? What happened?

Her faith in Baine wasn’t strong enough compared to my faith to Talanji and Gonk. Now I even reached 381 to kill every Void Elf and Humans out there!


This alt is at level 35. I’m just letting rested xp accrue.


I want that hat.


By the Loa! She stole my hat!

Imagine being so poor that you end up revering the pathetic Loa of literal garbage.

People revere the most strangest of things, great Loa…


Say whatever you want, but the continuation of this lore-nightmare, accompanied by these terrible interviews, has really helped our community cohesion.

We dislike the writers now more than ever!


I really can’t blame Ion for the content of his interview, though. What was he supposed to say?

“Yeah, the story this addon is a mess, and it won’t get better this addon, because we can’t get out of this hole in a satisfying way, but could you guys who care for the story please just stay subscribed anyway? Thanks.”

I would prefer if they just stayed silent on future lore, but if he has to say something, this is the only thing he could do.


Top 10 wildest plot twists in 8.2, you’ll never expect number 4.


All I can say is: Death to the Banshee! She will doom us all!

A random Tauren tribe will be genocided for the lolz?


Not the noble Tribe of the Fence-Sitters?!


Nah Nah nah, Magatha Grimtotem will be made High Chieftain of the Tauren, with the Bloodhoof as her loyal warriors. Baine will be fine with this as he is in prison and has bigger problems.

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So the Kalimdor tauren will just accept the person who poisoned their former chieftain and tried to overtake Thunder Bluff, and her tribe who, even after being exiled, tried to poison their wells and attacked their settlements?


Yes, because:

  • they voluntarily joined forces with the Horde after Garrosh killed their leader (not entirely his fault) and left them in the cold after Magatha had her little coup in Thunder Bluff.
  • they are willingly following Sylvanas, even though the Forsaken supported Magatha’s reign (at least those at the Pools of Vision).

Tauren were already being put in this ridiculous position since Cata.


I propose a third faction of Tauren and Kaldorei breaking away from the Horde and Alliance. We can no longer rely upon the old ‘Great Powers’. How does that sound, loyal Tauren Haiete?

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I’ve given thought to that, but I don’t know what to think about it still… I prefer them to be loose allies.

Tauren, Trolls and a few Orcs as a third faction, on the other hand… man, I’d instantly switch.


I was actually thinking about opening a topic about the state of the thread (to have a break from these endless Elf threads), and I was wondering about this as well. Am curious what others think about this.


By all means, open the thread. I’m mostly busy at work and cannot compose a full topic.

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