I wish I was a good artist but I’m not. I’d love to showcase some art within my stories, such as Isildien before the Sundering (spoilers) or the Illidari forces on route to Firewing Point (spoilers)
Might have caught me on a bad day, when I was on the verge of giving up with the story and so annoyed at just how poor it’s been. I have given up on it, by the way, which is why I’m happier now.
It’s bad that I prefer talking and writing fanfiction about WoW’s past story, and really bad that I’m more excited about my own fanfiction that is relative to past expansion as well.
However, what I can tell you is that my fanficiton is in no way, trying to overwrite Blizzard’s past lore. I know the players kill Sharth Voldoun at Firewing Point, but I decided to put a slight change on that. Also, make more use of the Illidari Council.
That’s a good thing, It’s always great to read about expaded universe that is respectful to source material and not retconning whatever your found unlikeable.
For example I hated the Milificent movie because it was ridiculous retcon of original animated movie in which she was terrific villain.
It would be nice to have you again you again on b-net there were some questions I wanted to ask you about Legion, SW and if you started OP, and I could link you some stuff.
I wish I could draw as well as I used to in my youth, writing fiction is great and all (and that’s pretty much what the Sun Hawks recruitment threads are on the Argent Dawn forum-yeah, yeah, we reached two due to post cap- a collection of stories by members going back five years) but I would love to be able to actually draw some of them also. I should really get back into practice.
You rang?
Alright, not quite that old, but still old enough to listen to the radio and grumble “All this modern music is just rubbish, its just jingly noise!”
Is it just me or are we stuck with the same threads as for the last week or so not counting this lounge and the magnificent original thread about how the Night Elves should rule the cosmos?
Do you remember the days when blood elf fans would make about 4 or 5 topics a week, talking about Jaina and how nasty she was and how evil Stormwind and Dalaran are and how Jaina should punish the Night Elves (despite Darnassus not falling under Dalaran law.)