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Just take the bait for once. And srsly, N’zoth new soundfiles make it sound like he loves those created by the curse of flesh very much.

So when will you give all the Tauren and Troll lands back?

Answer my question first:

Trolls and Tauren. Or the remaining elemental Lords. Take your pick.

And why do they have the permission? Why you doesn’t picked the Old Gods?

Feels like we’re going back to the “all land is Troll-land” argument.

He’s actually correct in suggesting the Elemental Lords, since they were the first beings on Azeroth. Or Azeroth herself perhaps? Hmm.


All land is Baine land!

Never forget.


But he also said Trolls and Tauren. That’s why im a lil bit confused why he doesn’t name the Old Gods :rofl:

Don’t worry, we all are. That’s just Erevien for you.

Because unlike Tauren and Trolls, Humans and dwarfs and gnomes are the old gods creations, therefore evil.

Ok, I’ll bite a bit:

Orcs: Titan creations corrupted by devouring and destructive aspects of nature, pumped full of fel.
Blood Elves: Pumped full of arcane to the point of addiction, fel and a dead Naaru who had long term plans for them.
Tauren: Yaungol who were subject of Mogu flesh-shapers and twisted even more by the Well of Eternity.
Goblins: Kaja’mite monkeys. So… wherever kaja’mite comes from, they are probably in their heads. My money is on old gods.
Trolls: …ok, we have no idea about their origin, we only know they were there for a long time. But you won’t have to look for long to learn which powers the trolls are dependant on and shaped by. And while there are nice guys among the Loa there are also some real creeps…


I thought evil is subjective? Elements are also just some creations.

Old gods are aliens that were feasting on Azeroth.

Let’s be honest, it’s just turtles all the way down, until you reach nothingness.

In other words, #alllandisvoidgodland

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Hold on, I can do that too!

Elves - used to be Trolls. Therefore, Elves are imperfect Trolls (they are, in a way of speaking, the weaker and impure race). Which brings me to my conclusion that Blood Elves are not only gay but also impure, which means they must be purged.

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Talking piles of rock have no rights over the land. As concepts such as material property are alien to them. The only remotely valid property they have, are the planes the Titan watchers created for them.

In Azeroths material world, every rock, drop of water, gust of wind, or cinder, is part of them.

Olds God too. If you remove them, the World would be killed :wink:

Probably, but given they and their tumor minions are just parasites of the life energies of the planet, they are just as alien to it as the Space Robots that terraformed it later.

At least trolls sprouted organically from it. And would’ve probably done sooner if they hadn’t had the Old Gods twisting the place first.

This discussion is without honor. Only a coward bandies words when deeds can be done! Mak’rogahn each other, may the most enduring one win!