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and this is why land claims are silly.

native americans got the whole thing right.

They controled alot of lands too until the white people came. Which is why blizzard got hard backlash by liberal news-pages and magzines for gaming , because all of the kul Tiras and Drust background, felt like them trying to make colonization look good/morally justified.

oh i’ve got to read this.

got any links?

This is kind of funny. In a sad way. Really? WoW isn’t educational enough?


Let us remember Blademaster Telaamon & the Alliance troops and their noble sacrifice against the Horde at this point :beers:

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RIP Telamon.

By the way, I was informed the Alliance was arming the blood trolls, yet this did not happen.

The sad thing is that I consider this last part true. Specially now that stuff like the latest Gillette comercial seems to be what’s ‘trendy’ and appropriate.

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Hrm, when can we expect the first Amis to down Mekkatorque? I want to see the cinematic they teased.

Oh, and is “Mekka”-torque insensitive towards muslims?

Don’t make me agree with you!

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Take in mind that the american community is more sensitive to this topic since actual native americans still live there and also play the game.

You just implied that native americans sit around playing WoW, because they have nothing better to do, thus feeding into stereotypes I’m sure exist somewhere. You’re racist.


Irony or not, this started with Tauren and went further on with Drust. Overwatch had a backlash about a similar problem when they gave Phara the thunderbird skin.

“Horde will be purged for the good of Azeroth” mhm

enjoyed killing that lightslave. :upside_down_face:

On the next episode of assumptions based on Broadcast texts.

actively looking to be offended by something would be more appropriate, but this isn’t the place to get political so i’ll stop

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Well, to be fair… it is the internet. Everything gets some backlash from somebody. All is fine, as long as no one takes it seriously… Though it happens too often that it is taken seriously… Especially if it fits a more silicon valley attitude…


yeah, like now

wimbert you short haired, silly 'stached git.

I feed on your envy!

…though I actually would like some long-haired gnome haircuts that aren’t… well, punky. My mage would look great with a Jesus cut!

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a jesus cut? take it 1-step further.

a gnome with the Mr It Hairstyle.
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I am offended on a religious basis.

That would be fun, too, but not for my RP character mage, who is a bit of a choire boy, stylewise…

Offending christians doesn’t count. They’re bigots, all of them, no matter what they do, say, or think.

As descendant of the Spanish conquerors, and given that the Kul Tiran aesthetics vaguely resemble what they looked like in the past, this seems rather amusing.
Even the Zandalari were given the vague Aztec vibe…:sweat_smile:

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This one in particular hurts.

I’ve never understood the obsession with cleansing cultural things because it doesn’t fit your personal opinion. As if a certain group of people has a priviliged right to limit cultural expressions.

Someone once tried to sell me the idea (and this really happened, I’m not making this up) that we should ignore the majority of Greek philosophers (like Aristotle) because they were fine with how the women were treated in, say, Athens. Because all philosophical theories instantly lose their credibility because of that…