Story: My Mythology behind The Unyielding White Stallion

This was supposed to be an in-character tale told to by another character of mine fascinated with the Unyeilding White Stallion, mentioned only briefly in a mount description. It is my theory that this White Stallion might have been a Wild God.

Now I’m not a skilled writer by any means but I gave it a shot with this story.

I’ll tell you the tale of a wild beast that galloped across the land before the ocean swallowed the lands of Kalimdor. It was a time when Humanity was young and not yet mastered the riddle of steel.

Men of ancient times stood in awe of this creature its hooves shook the land, its hair gleamed like The White Lady and its maine was like a gentle winter breeze, and it’s eyes, oh it’s eyes, gleamed like a pair of stars whose glare froze mere men in their tracks.

It was an unyieldly beast that thwarted all attempts to capture it, not with any bindings that humanity could craft at the time. Not with any snare nor walls. It charged through them all. One thunderous strike with its mighty hooves would shake men to the bone!

There was once a mighty huntsman who was the most exhalted of his tribe and he made a wager that he would tame the Unyielding White Stallion, and ofcourse he was mocked for his boastful display. One of the men rose up and pointed at The Huntsman. “How can ye, oh Huntsman, tame the untameable not for many generations have any man tame a beast so unruly and defiant? No arrows nor our axes could harm The Stallion, even if ye are exalted”. The Huntman laughed and retorted, “It is not by our craft that we shall subdue The Stallion but with the respect the beast is owed”. The Huntsman then left his tribe to brave the wilderness in search of The Stallion.

Now the Huntsman knew how to track the creature as it left tracks in its stride along with the herd it lead through the open fields. After several days he found where the herd grazed. There beheld the gracefull steed which wined and snorted as The Huntsman approached. The man threw down his weapons, his axe, his bow and even the hide that protected his flesh. The rest of the herd was still on edge as he slowly made his way through, attempting not to cause a stampede.

The Huntsman now stood before the White Stallion as it towered over him, he knelt and offered food to the beast. The White Stallion snorted with suspion yet The Huntsman was still and felt the offering leave his hand as it was eaten by the stallion. The White Stallion then lowered its body urging the man to ride it. It took him back to the camp along with all of its herd. His tribe was stunned in awe of their brother rode the white steed. The Huntsman jumped down and showed the proper respect and the his tribe followed his example and one by one the Men bonded with the horses and earned the right to mount them. Aiding in their hunts and battles.

No one knows where The Unyielding White Stallion had gone, if it perished in The War of The Ancients, or The Sundering, or still rides the lands yet travelled by mortal feet. Never the less to this day Humanity shared a special bond with Horses and rode them across the world into perilous danger


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