[STORY TIME] What made you smile today? - A Argent Dawn Story


I could have sworn that I saw a post like this before, today-… But for the life of me I can not find it-…

However, today I experienced something so wholesome that I needed to share with you guys, as I’m hoping you’d do the same. Today unknowingly the guild I am in reunited long lost (roleplay) friends from more then seven years ago.

When they found out, you could feel the nostalgia coming to them. As I’m writing this. They’re still at it. And they’ve realized it is them like twenty minutes ago!

Now tell us, what about the Argent Dawn made you smile today?

And I know, there are some negative Nancy’s here. But this is not a topic for you to spill your guts! So shoo!


You made me smile today xox


Nawh, and I didn’t even do anything! <3

What made me smile today, well…
Nothing about the Argent Dawn unfortunately, at least as of today.

Had a big bowl of yoghurt with various fruits and oats as well as a slice of watermelon as breakfast today while I was leveling up a druid on AD. Made me smile.
Does that count?

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Today is the day I unlock the Warden transmog from the 12 complete Trading Posts achievement. Its a cool set!


It certainly does! Eating what you like, that makes you happy, and therefore makes you smile! :smiley:

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It seems to me that we already have a thread for this:


The thread you’ve reposted is as you can read, mostly real life.

The one, that you choose not to read. Is supposed to be for in-game happenings.
Thank you for taking the time to not read. :+1: :grin:

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Bit unnecessarily rude.


Sure, let’s see

Not a today thing, but I recently realised my main RP char is the longest standing I’ve ever had, I think I made her mid/late 2020.
Which might not be a lot for most people with characters dating back to bloody cataclysm or earlier, but I reckon it’s still an impressive run and she’s still going strong and has plenty of story left to tell.


My thread is for all the things except stuff that’ll get you in trouble for posting it.


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