For some time now, likely since patch 11.0.5, we’ve noticed some strange and likely unintended behavior from Shado-Pan’s Flurry Strikes. Where it would normally strike the player’s current target, it now seems to randomly select any target within the player’s range. While this isn’t immensely disruptive, it is very unintuitive and can easily lead to dps loss when the randomly selected target is near death. It has frequently caused missed hits when my target died mid-discharge, which is a fairly major damage loss if Shadow Wisdom of the Wall is active.
This also means that whatever little “skillshotting” there was for Shado-Pan, such as targeting a mob in a good position to cleave onto the whole pack with Shadow Wisdom, is now not possible.
Some examples:
Tiger Palm was cast on Engorged Crawler 5, but Flurry Strikes discharged on Ravenous Crawler 4.
Tiger Palm was cast on Bloodstained Assistant 4, Flurry Strikes discharged on Bloodstained Webmage 3.
It would be highly appreciated if this could be fixed for 11.1.