Strange occurance

I am unsure where and how to direct this query.

Woke up in the morning wanting my breakfast…
Logged onto the laptop, oooh, ahhh. laptop.
Checked my mail, checked my chats, then logged into the forums.

As soon as I logged into the forums, I got insta-logged out automatically. When I logged back in, I noted at the top, “Your account is silenced for 1 month”, so I went back to my email, to find the message telling me why. Nothing, not a peep from blizzard.

When I clicked on my portrait I noticed a blue dot, and went to my notifications, and got told “Your account is no longer silenced…” and sure enough on relogging, the forum ban had been removed.

I’d like to know what happened, was this a glitch? Did someone click a wrong button? Or did I commit an infraction of something? I’m having to ask here because of the absence of an email explanation., or should I direct my
query to a full GM ticket?

Also if it was a mistake or a glitch, can someone make sure it was purged from my record, otherwise future ban times will rise exponentially. 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months etc.


Hey Trovlak,

As a general point a ticket would indeed be better, as it’s typically not info to be shared in public.

That said though, if the action was already removed, it would have been overturned in full and not count against you in the future. So no need for further action really.

Thanks and apologies for any confusion!

I’m sure I saw something recently about a bunch of accounts accidentally getting flagged for something like this - and being reversed pretty quickly. Can’t find it now mind.

In theory a GM ticket would be a good route to take - but it is very difficult to raise a ticket and you’d usually get an auto-response anyway, so personally, especially if I’m trying to work out if it’s an issue for others too, I’d use these forums. Less stressful :stuck_out_tongue: