Strangest Thing You Do To AFK Players?

What I currently do, in some cases when I’m bored, pull mobs with cleave attacks towards afkers. Kill them with the cleave attacks.

Back in Wotlk I’d kill afkers in Wintergrasp.
After a battle if we would hold it (on my Alliance char) there would always be some horde players left going afk on their flying mounts above the main courtyard.
I’d mount up on my priest and dot them. The use levitate to safely land on the ground.

Side note: Being the opposite faction and managing to get inside the gate ontop of the orb was amazing. Keep attacking players in their “safe” area

I had that happen playing my shaman. During an invasion in High mountain he’d keep killing lvlers.
I waited for him to stand near the edge of a cliff, swooped in and thunderstormed him off. I didn’t seem again him after that xD


That is AWESOME!

thunderstorm in some zones is outstanding. My shammy use taht very often. Is an art.


I used to swapblast people in a hole (maiden), off the aggramar’s bridge and ofc my favorite - under incoming elevator before antorus war council. But they weren’t afk, that’s the point.

We can use it to sharpen our claws. ;D

A week ago i was doing pet battle dailies in winterspring and i went AFK looking for something on WoWhead, when i came back i have noticed some
<60 alliance prot warrior made training dummy from me, that was so hillarious i didn’t even kill him :smiley:

I’m never killing AFKers, but yesterday i was AFKing mid air in hyjal, 2 x alliance blood dks tried to gank me and failed, satisfaction 1000% ^^

I just start to AFK next to them. Solidarity!


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