
So apparently the gnomes of Stranglethorn and Tanaris will also be emerging from hiding in the upcoming Shadowlands expansion. Seeing as the charcoal elves are somewhat controversial, what about these guys? Good or bad? Yay or nay?


More options = more fun

  • Durex

I’d be down with us getting some savage murderous canabals like in Dark Sun. Otherwise, more choice of skin colours is good I suppose.


They should be called pygmies.

The oogidi boogidi people in Uldum have already claimed that name AFAIK, and the game doesn’t address differing skin colour choices.

put a space between Strangle and Gnomes and sign me up…


I read it the same way.
Was hoping it was a new Orc customization option, to have a gnome clenched in your hand.


Would maybe an off-hand item work? Like there’s already coin bags, fish, chicken legs etc.; maybe a squirming noem?

That’s just skin cancer. too much exposure to radioactive lightbulbs.

As long as I can attach an undead skeleton to my shoulders as a kind of semi-organic arm, you can have your gnome off-hands. Beware though, they may backfire and blow your hand off.

You see, these are Clay Gnomes. Clay is often used for prototyping. So what you’re actually looking at, are mechagnome babies.

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Isn’t that what causes the leper variety?

Seems like a fair compromise to me, though you’d have to ask for Altash’s opinion on it as I’m not fussed either way. I feel the spare hand is best off holding a can of ice cold kaja’cola.

Never let a gnome make a gun…


It is perfectly safe to let a gnome make a gun. It never backfires in good hands. In mechanical hands that have the delicacy to handle such awesome devices.

It’s not our fault that you cursed people are so clumsy…

Oh I don’t use guns…

So uncivilized. Spreading diseases and raising the filthy wret… err… loyal citizens of Azeroth… is more in alignment with my values of protecting the peace and harmony of Azeroth.

Burn you maggots!! fester and burn beneath my iron heel…

Do forgive me… Excitement of the moment seeing strangled gnomes…

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american politics seeping into this game . sad

Whether darker skin tones work or not depends if they are just paint jobs or if we actually have the facial features/hairstyles that go along with that. Black face doesn’t look good aesthetically, at least not for me.

Yep the human different racial options look pretty good but the blood elf and gnome ones look so horrible and cheap

Here, a fine poetry for ya darlin’. Enjoy! :kissing_heart:

Oh freddled gruntbuggly,

Thy micturations are to me

As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.

Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,

And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,

Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts

With my blurglecruncheon, see if I don’t!

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Where did gnomes come from?

Dark skin is justified by that alone, because guess what? Their original skintone weren’t white as robots.