Hey, there are many, many threads about which covenant class xy or race yz would choose, but i didn’t see anyone ask about what would be the best covenant for strategic reasons. Let me explain:
I’m an Alliance military Soldier (Human Warrior) of some Rank and well respected within the army. My duty is to protect King Anduin, the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Alliance as a whole. In Shadowlands of course, my first priority is to save Anduin and prevent the Jailer from having his way. What would be the logically and strategically best Choice for my Covenant? Some thoughts my Character had:
Bastion: Cant think of any really good reason.
Maldraxxus: They are the primary defenders of the Shadowlands. If I can help them solve their inner problems, they would certainly prove to be a valuable force against the Jailer.
Ardenweald: The heart of the forest keeps the Jailer from leaving the Maw… if I help them, maybe we can strengthen the heart and prevent the Jailers plans.
Revendreth: The venthyr are responsible for extracting Anima and supplying all the realms of the Shadowlands. Denathrius is of couse a major Problem here. He is supplying the Jailer with Anima and therefore must be stopped. If I join the rebellion, I could help restore a proper Anima distribution across all Realms, therefore helping all of them.
What do you think? What would be your best choice from a strategic point of view?
PS: Sorry for any bad grammar… its hard for me to write in english.
Revendreth because it’s the first, immediate priority to stop Denathrius or nothing else will get done anywhere. If Renethal’s rebellion fails, the Jailer is empowered further to strike the realms beyond Revendreth.
As a soldier, knowing the weight and shape of his duty, his first order of business seems simple.
Revendreth is a good choice for the obvious reasons and the way I’ve imagined it on my operative.
However I’d also make an argument for Maldraxxus since it’s the military wing of the Shadowlands and the Primus seemed to have quite a lot of knowledge. There are others who can focus on weakening Denathrius and eventually we can all strike at him regardless of covenant, but uniting the five houses, reforming the armies of Maldraxxus would give us the edge against both Denathrius and the Jailer. Finally, finding the Primus or uncovering whatever knowledge he had would offer us a strategic advantage. We can’t win without the armies of Maldraxxus. And that’s why my death knight chose that. Well, plus learning more about the plagues. grin
My paladin is in Bastion, more for the core fantasy than anything else, but the flying Kyrians seems like an adequate counter to the Mawsworn, don’t they ? And they’d have a much easier time getting into the Maw. Not to mention without helping them the enemy forces may only grow.
All things considered all choices have their arguments. I’d say Revendreth works best on the short term as Denathrius is the first problem to deal with and you need to stop him from throwing more anima into the Maw. Maldraxxus is the long term choice by uniting the five houses and assembling an army that can actually help you win this war. Bastion can more easily provide the forces you need to rescue our leaders from the Maw and you do get to make some incursions in there.
Take into account you’re not the only one. The Ebon Blade is there and so are other champions. Your choice would be influenced not just by strategy but also by priorities and values. Of course my righteous paladin would see himself in the blue guys and their desire for righteousnes and purging and believe they’re the best allies against the Jailor. They are, after all, virtuos and noble like him. Honor wins wars, right ? Right guys ?
Thank you for your answers. I agree that stopping Denathrius would be the most important short term priority, while helping the Necrolords is best long term… I think I’m going with Venthyr then. I can help the Necrolords after Denathrius is dfeated (rp only, for gameplay reasons I will stay with Venthyr).